13 to 15 Months- PHYSICAL
Can stand alone without support for a short period time -
13 to 15 months-COGNITIVE
Shows interest in new textures by rubbing fingers over surface -
16 to 18 months-PHYSICAL
Stands on either foot with support & she can walk fast and run stifly -
16 to 18 months-COGNITIVE
Tries to imitate the ways parents use object and has a short attention span -
19 to 21 months-PHYSICAL
Walk sideways and backwards
jumps forward and in place -
19 to 21 months-COGNITIVE
Places circles, triangles, and squares in form board
Can remember familiar objects without seeing them -
22 to 24 months-PHYSICAL
Walks with more coordination and assurance
lacks ability to start efficiently or stop quickly while running -
22 to 24 months-COGNITIVE
Becomes interested in the outcome of activities rather than just the activities themselves
is able to match familar objects -
24 to 30 months-PHYSICAL
Climbs on jungle gym with fair amount of ease
Throws ball overhead but without aiming -
24 to 30 months-COGNITIVE
Is able to interpret pictures drawn or painted
Can follow two step commands -
30 to 36 months-PHYSICAL
Goes upstairs by alterating feet
Climbs up slide ladder and slides down -
30 to 36 months-COGNITIVE
Can remember and follow three-step commands
Recognizes self in photographs