The beginning
The birth of the baby -
13-15 month/ intellectual
Begin to form concepts.
Likes to mimic all actions.
Like to look at picture books and pats recognize picture.
Babbles with expression.
Amuses self with vocal play. -
13-15 months/physical
cruises along furniture
may be able to back down stairs
crawls over small barriers
uses spoon, spilling little
may try to turn doorknobs -
16-18 months/ intellectual
Gradually refines concepts.
Remembers where objects belong.
Says no more often than other word.
Imitates simple sounds on request. use two-word phrases.
Identifies simple picture in book, such as ball,doggies, and so on.
may -
16-18 months/ physical
May be able to work sideways.
Walks fast and runs stiffly.
Builds tower of three cubes.
Jumps with both feet.
Begins to scribble. -
19-21 mos/ intellectual
Can remember familiar objects without seeing them.
Is interested in tiny things such as bugs.
Enjoys hearing nursery rhymes.
Enjoys labeling objects and part of body. -
19-21 mos/ physical
Walks sideways and backward.
Hangs from bar, grasping with hands.
Holds to objects in hand easily.
Uses on hand more than the other. -
22-24 mos/ physical
Walks with more coordination and assurance.
Bounces and sways in simple dancing movements.
Can put several blocks together to make a train or stack them to build a tower.
Snips paper with scissors. -
22-24 mos / intellectual
Becomes interested in the outcome of activities rather than just the activities themselves.
Recognizes when picture in an book is upside down.
Imitates parents' words and inflections.
Asks for food when hungry or thirsty. -
24-30 mos / physical
Kicks ball forward.
Plays on swings, ladders, and other playground equipment.
Climbs on jungle gym with fair amount of ease.
Climbs everywhere indoors.
Tears paper and manipulates clay. -
24-30 mos / intellectual
Is better able to use nearby objects in make-believe games.
Becomes increasingly interested in children's TV shows.
Vocabulary starts at 200 words and increases to 500 or more in this period.
Pretend play with others.
Begin to match and sort shapes, pictures, and some colors.
Become aware of the sequence of numbers, when spoken.
Show an increased attention span. -
30-36 mos/ physical
Enjoys games involving running.
Climbs on slide ladder and slides down.
Likes to paint using full arm motions combined with finger
Eats with a fork.
Walks on a narrow beam, putting one foot in front of the other for a few steps.
Climbs the ladder of a slide or other play equipment.
Holds a pencil as if to print.
Copies drawings of a cross, circles, dots, small lines, and swirls. -
30-36 mos/ intellectual
Tries to play act thoughts and ideas. For example, your toddler may pretend to be a dinosaur.
Counts three objects.
Matches and sorts similar pictures and objects.
Enjoys creative movement.
Begins to classify objects into general categories.
Recognizes self in photographs.
Vocabulary starts at 500 words and increases to 900 or 1000 in this period.
Connects names and uses of objects.