Baby is born
13-15 months physical
May stand with slight support
Take steps while holding onto parents' hands
Climbs on stairs
Has improved grasping skills
Uses spoon -
13-15 months cognitive
Likes to look at picture books and pats recognized pictures
Shows interests and rubbing textures
Mimics adults and other children
Babbles with expression
Responds to name being called -
16-18 months physical
Squats down smoothly from standing position
Walks fast and runs stifly
Walks into ball; unable to kick ball
Jumps with both feet
Begins to scribble -
16-18 months cognitive
Tries to imitate the way paretns use objects
Enjoys working with shapes on form board
Identifies simple pictures
Vocabulary increases from 6-10 words
Says 'no' often -
19-21 months physical
Runs without falling
Responds rhythmically to music
Can kick large ball
Can use hands for different activities at the same time
Can fold paper once -
19-21 months cognitive
Is interested in tiny things like bugs
Assosiates tools with functions
Has vocabulary of about 20 words
Labels body and objects
Matches sounds that animals make to the animal -
22-24 months physical
Likes to play with modeling clay
Can seat self in small chair
Can open screw tops
Snips paper with scissors
Holds crayon with thumb and fingers -
22-24 month cognitive
Follows simple directions
Recognizes when picture is upside down
Is able to match familiar objects
Has vocabulary of 50 words of more
Listens and enjoys simple stories -
24-30 month physical
Plays on swings, ladders, and other playground equipment
Torso lengthens and fat disappears
Can remove wrapping from candy
Carefully turns pages
Washes hands -
24-30 month cognitive
Becomes interested in children TV shows
Enjoys playing house
Remembers sequences of stories
Refers to self by name
Distiguish between before and after -
30-36 physical
Climbs stairs with alternating feet
Walks on tiptoes
Strings large beads
Builds towers of 6 or more blocks
Eats with a fork -
30-36 month cognitive
Can stack rings in correct order
Recognizes self in photographs
Uses imagination in play
Can create 2-3 word sentences
Asks name of objects and repeats them