P 101497923 (1)


  • Birth

  • Physical

    The toddler may be able to stand by itself without support for a short time. They begin to take steps while holding their parents' hands.Usually,by this time children can pick up coins, crayons, and pieces of cereal. They can also wave bye and clap.
  • Cognitive

    Around 14 months, children may shows signs of separation anxiety. They will start to show empathy around this age, too.Their language development also improves. Their babbling starts to include real words.
  • Cognitive

    Toddlers can now figure things out through thought process. They have short attention spans and will try to imitate the way their parents use objects. They can also identify simple objects such as, a ball, dog, cat, etc... Their language development improves tremendously. They use words instead of gestures to express wants. They also say "no" more than any other word. Toddlers start to become interested in children's TV shows.
  • Physical

    Toddlers around this age can jump with both feet and like to pull large toys around the floor. Their throwing improves, too. First they throw, using their whole body, then using just arm movements. They usually start to show a hand preference, either left or right. They begin to scribble and can put together easy jigsaw puzzles.
  • Physical

    Toddlers can run without falling. They respond rhythmically to music and love to jump, run, and climb. They can also hold two objects in one hand easily. They can build a tower of five or six blocks.
  • Cognitive

    Toddlers become very curious about how different objects taste, look, and smell. They may also have the patience to sit down and look at a book by themselves now. Children around this age start to play make-believe. They also start to show interest in the company of other children.
  • Cognitive

    Toddlers at this age are very talkative and ask lots of questions. They can recognize the names of familiar people, objects, and body parts. They can follow simple instructions and sort objects by shape and color. They also may want a bigger bed.
  • Physical

    Now that the child is almost 2 years-old, he/she may be showing signs of getting ready for potty-training! Not all children are ready yet. The child should be able to stand on their tip-toes and unscrew the lids off of jars. They should aslo be able to climb on and off of furniture.
  • Physical

    Parents can expect their child to walk up and down the stairs alone and ride a tricycle. Children can also run without bumping into things and use saftey scissors. Some children can even dress themselves with little help. Here is a video of a 2 year old's development. https://youtu.be/fNlPJ73d1CM
  • Cognitive

    Children will begin to play with others and be more social. They also have an increased attention span and begin to solve problems using trial and error.
  • Physical

    Toddlers are now very social and like to move around and climb on things. They can hold a pencil correctly and can copy drawings. Todlers can aslo turn the pages of a book one at a time.
  • Cognitive

    Toddlers continue to be very social and are learning to share. They have huge imaginations and like to play pretend. Toddlers may develop fears such as being scared of the dark. They also may throw many tantrums.