Baby is born!
13-15 months
PHYSICAL: At this age toddler should be able to climb on stairs, sofas, and tables. They also learn how to flip pages in books. COGNITIVE: Shows interset in different textures. Also may attempt to say other words they hear and respond to their names when called. -
PHYSICAL: Toddler should say five to ten words, marks with crayon, and partially feeds themself. COGNITIVE: Start remeber where items belong and use small words to express their wants. -
19-21 months
PHYSICAL: They begin to walk sideways and backwards. Also can run without falling and jump and climb. COGNITIVE: Can remeber fimilar objects without seeing them again. Uses big crayons to color and small things like insects interest them. -
22-24 months
PHYSICAL: Starts so do simple dance moves like swinging and rocking back and forth. Can use scissors with help and screw lids close. COGNITIVE: They become alot more curious. Listen and enjoys storys and likes the excitement of completing activities. -
24-30 months
PHYSICAL: motor skils starts to improve. Likes to play on playground equipment and also enjoys opening and holding doors for others. COGINITIVE: Starts to show interest in television shows. Realizes the effect of the decisions they make. Vocabulary ranges from two hundread to five hundread words. -
30-36 months
PHYSICAL: Always in motion , running and walking. Likes to play with toys like legos that they can take apart and put back together. COGNITIVE: Begins to recognize themselves in pictures. Uses pronouns correctly and understands the difference in size.