Birth of baby
13-15 months (physical)
May stand alone without support for a short time. They cruise along furniture. May be able to walk a few steps alone.Crawls forward and backward with varying speed. Crawls over small barriers.Has improved grasping skills. -
13-15 months (cognitive)
Begins to form concepts. Notices actions of other children and adults. Love to mimic all actions. Babbles with expression. Points to familiar toys or persons on request. -
16-18 months (physical)
May be able to walk sideways. Stands on either foot with support. Walks fast and runs stiffly. Likes to grab anything and everything -
16-18 months (cognitive)
Gradually refines concepts. Is very inquisitive about everything. Remember where objects belong. Says "no" more often than any other word. -
19-21 months (cognitive)
Procresses form simple to imitation to imaginative play. Places circles, triangles, and squares in form board. Likes to make marks on paper with big crayon. Enjoys labeling objects and parts of body. -
19-21 months (physical)
Walks sideways and backwards. Runs without falling often. Holds 2 objects in hand easily. Uses 1 hand more than the other. -
22-24 months (cognitive)
Becomes interested inthe outcome of activities rather than just the activities themselves. Follows simple directions. Is able to ask for things using simple words. -
22-24 months (physical)
Walks with more coordination and asurance. Bounces and sways in simple dancing movement. Can throw ball into basket. Can open screw-type closures -
24-30 months (physical)
Improves motor skills and torso lengthens and baby fat begins to disappear. Plays on swings,ladders,and other equipment on playground. Opens doors and turns knobs. -
24-30 months (cognitive)
Like to imitate drawings of older children. Solves problems by imitating past actions. Can follow 2-step commands. Refers to self by name. -
30-36 months (physical)
Likes to be in constant motion. Walks on tiptoe.Turns doorknob with greater strength. Eats with fork. -
30-36 months (cognitive)
Can tack rings in the correct order. Recognizes self in photoraphs. Can remember and follow 3-step commands. May use prepositions.