12-15 months (Physical)
Toddlers at 12-15 months of age are able to pick up objects with their thumb and forefinger. They can also move objects from hand to hand. They are able to sit down without help. They may be able to walk alone, or while holding their caregiver's hand. -
12-15 months (Cognitive)
A toddler at this age usually has a vocabulary of 3 to 5 words. They usually use gestures to communicate to their caregivers. Vocalizing things replaces crying at this stage. Also toddlers at this age understand the meaning of the word "no." -
16-18 months (Physical)
Toddlers at age 16 to 18 months are able to turn several pages of a book at one time. They can also slide down stairs backwards, one step at a time. Toddlers at this age are able to start brushing their teeth. They are also able to start trying to self feed themselves. -
16-18 months (cognitive)
The vocabulary of a toddler this age has developed to about 10 words. A toddler at this age can use words and gestures at the same time to communicate things. A toddler at this age also knows where things, like their toys, belong. At this age, they can also start to distinguish between "you" and "me" -
19-21 months (Physical)
Toddlers at this age are able to grasp crayons with their fist and scribble. They can stack two to four blocks. Toddlers at this age can also jump in place and walk well. -
19-21 months (Cognitive)
They have a much broader vocabulary, mostly made up of nouns. Points to their own body parts often. Can group 2 to 3 words together. Mimics real life situations during playtime. -
22-24 months (Physical)
Toddlers at this age are able to climb up and down one stair at a time. They can hold toys with wheels on them. They are able to take lids off of containers. They can take off their own shoes, hats, and socks, -
22-24 months (Cognitive)
Understands what asking for "another" means. Can match colors frequently, but uses them randomly. Can indicate to caregiver when they have a soiled diaper. Can ask for food or drink. -
24-30 months (Cognitive
Can start to learn to avoid hazards like stairs or hot stoves. By 30 months their vocabulary can reach up to 300 words. Can identify people by their name, gender, or place in the family. Can refer to self by first name. -
24 - 30 months (Physical)
Toddlers at this age are able to stack up to six blocks now. They can also pick objects up from the floor without losing their balence. Then can turn one page of a book at a time. They walk with more coordination and confidence. -
30 - 36 months (Physical)
You're toddler at this age can do things like ride a tricycle. They could kick a ball in a direction that they want. They can scribble with pencils and crayons. They can also join in songs and finger plays. -
30-36 months (Cognitive)
Can refer to self as "I" more. By 36 words their vocabulary has developed to up to 1,000 words. Can phrase 3 to 4 word sentaces. They use more verbs and adjectives.