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Toddler Timeline

  • Birth of Baby

    Birth of Baby
    this is when the baby is born.
  • Period: to

    toddler timeline

  • Physical; toddlers from 13 to 15 months

    Physical; toddlers from 13 to 15 months
    Large motor skills: start to start walking. stand alone for a little bit of time. can crawl forward and backward, and over small barriers. Small motor skills: have improved grasping skills. start building things.
  • Cognitive: toddlers from 13 to 15 months

    Cognitive: toddlers from 13 to 15 months
    experiments with actions they've never tried before. has very short memory and almost no forethought. increases vocab to four to six words. follow simple commands, responds to own name. may respeat sounds without knowing meaning of it.
  • Physical: toddlers from 16 to 18 months

    Physical: toddlers from 16 to 18 months
    Large motor skills: walks fast and runs stiffly. jumps with both feet. may be able to walk sideways
    Small motor skills: likes to grab anything and everything. begins to scribble. may show hand preference in all activities.
  • Cognitive: toddlers from 16 to 18 months

    Cognitive: toddlers from 16 to 18 months
    begins to figure things out through thought process. short attention span. vocab increases 6 to 10 words. uses words instead of gestures to express wants. imitates simple sounds on request. may use two word phrases.
  • Physical: toddlers from 19 to 21 months

    Physical: toddlers from 19 to 21 months
    Large motor skills: walks sideways and backwards. walks up and down stairs with help. loves to run, jump, and climb. runs without falling often.
    Small motor skills: holds to objects in hand easily. can fold peace of paper once imitating demonstration. uses one hand more than other
  • Cognitive: toddler from 19 to 21 months

    Cognitive: toddler from 19 to 21 months
    imitates simple actions on request. learns to distinguish different sounds and smells. has vocab of about 20 words. respond to speach withh speach. conbines two different words.
  • Physical: toddlers from 22 to 24 months

    Physical: toddlers from 22 to 24 months
    large motor skills: locks with more coordination. lacks ability to start or stop efficiently while running. can sit self in small chair with ease. jumps with both feet off the floor
    small motor skills: shows increased coordination and smoother hand and finger movements. holds crayons with thumb and fingers.
  • Cognitive: toddlers from 22 to 24 months.

    Cognitive: toddlers from 22 to 24 months.
    is curious about everything, follow simple directions. may be able to draw pictures and interperet what they are. has vocab of 50 or more words. understands more words than is able to use. imitates parents words
  • Physical: toddlers from 24 to 30 months

    Physical: toddlers from 24 to 30 months
    Large motor skills: enjoys running but is unable to measure sudden stops. climbs everywhere.
    Small motor skills: opens door by turning knobs. tears paper, manipulates clay.
  • Cognitive: toddlers from 24 to 30 months

    Cognitive: toddlers from 24 to 30 months
    Understands cause and effect in terms of own behavior. is able to interpret puictures drawn or painted. can follow two step commands. vocab starts at 200 words and increases to 500 words. uses two words in a sentence
  • Physical: toddlers from 30 to 36 months

    Physical: toddlers from 30 to 36 months
    Large motor skills: likes to be in constant motion. goes upstairs by alternating feet but goes down one foot at a time. walks on tippie toes.
    Small motor skills: scribbles and draws circles as well as horixontal and verticle lines. eats with a fork.
  • Cognitive: toddlers from 30 to 36 months

    Cognitive: toddlers from 30 to 36 months
    begins to classify objects into general cattegories. tries new play activities to discover more about how things work. vocab starts at about 500 to about 900 or 1000 words uses two to three word sentences including verbs. uses personal pronouns correctly.