
toddler timeline

  • birth

  • Physical 13-15 months

    Physical 13-15 months
    -may try to turn doorknobs
    -improves grasping skills
    -may stand alone for only a short period of time
    -cruises along furniture
    -crawls over small barriers
  • intellecutual 13-15 months

    intellecutual 13-15 months
    -looks in correct places for toys
    -enjoys to look at picture books
    -slowly increases vocab
    -babbles with expression
  • physical 16-18

    physical 16-18
    -walks fasts and runs stilffly
    -stands on either foot with support
    -squats down smoothly
    -likes to grab any and everything
  • intellectual 16-18

    intellectual 16-18
    -remebers where objects belong
    -short attention span
    -enjoys working with shapes
    -says "no" more often
    -identifies objects by pointing
  • physical 19-21 months

    physical 19-21 months
    -runs without falling offten
    -walks sideways & backward
    -squats easily in play
    -walks up and down stairs with help
  • intellectual 19-21 months

    intellectual 19-21 months
    -completes simple puzzles
    -imitates simple actions on request
    -ikes to respond to directions
    -vocab of about 20 words
  • physical 22-24 months

    physical 22-24 months
    -can throw ball into basket
    -can seat self in small chair with ease
    -likes to play in modeling clay
    -holds crayon with thumb and fingers
  • intellectual 22-24

    intellectual 22-24
    -recongnizes when picture books are upside down
    -may be able to draw
    -vocab of 50 words
    -continues to ask "whats that "
  • physical 24-30

    physical 24-30
    -walk wih more cordination
    -can seat self in small chair
    -can throw ball into basket
    -can put several blocks together
  • intellectual 24-30

    intellectual 24-30
    -becomes interested in childrens tv shows
    -likes to listen to tapes
    -remembers sequence of stories
    -understands cause and effect in terms of behavior
  • physical 30-36 months

    physical 30-36 months
    -likes to be constant motion
    -enjoys games involing running
    -climbs easily on jungle gym
    -likes to paint using full arm motion
  • intellectual 30-36

    intellectual 30-36
    -classify objects
    -uses symbolic repition
    -tries new play activies
    -vocab starts at about 100 words