Toddler Timeline

  • Birth of baby

    Birth of baby
  • 13-15 months; physical

    13-15 months; physical
    may stand alone with out support for a short amount of time
  • 13-15 months; intellectual

    13-15 months; intellectual
    explores different features of objects as if studying them
  • 16-18 months; physical

    16-18 months; physical
    jumps with both feet
  • 16-18 months, intellectual

    16-18 months, intellectual
    scribbles more freely
  • 19-21 months; physical

    19-21 months; physical
    walks up and down stairs with help
  • 19-21 months; intellectual

    19-21 months; intellectual
    completes simple jigsaws
  • 22-24 months, physical

    22-24 months, physical
    walks sideways or backwards with ease
  • 22-24 months, intellectual

    22-24 months, intellectual
    recognizes when picture in book is upside down
  • 24-30 months, intellectual

    24-30 months, intellectual
    becomes increasingly interested in children's tv shows
  • 24-30 months, physical

    24-30 months, physical
    opens door by turning knobs
  • 30-36 months, intellectual

    30-36 months, intellectual
    becomes more skilled in putting puzzles together
  • 30-36 months, physical

    30-36 months, physical
    walks on tip toes