13-15 months physical development
- cruises along furniture -crawls over small barriers -uses spoon, spilling little
- may try to turn doorknobs.
13-15 months cognitive development
-Begins to form concepts
-experiments with actions never tried before
-Babbles with expression
-Responds to own name, comes when called -
16-18 months physical development
-walks fast and runs stiffly
-stands on either foot with support
-May turn knobs of radio or T.V
-builds tower of three cubes -
16-18 months cognative development
-Gradually refines concepts
-Has short attention span
-obeys command "give it to me"
May use two word phrases -
19-21 months Physical Development
-Loves to run, jump, and climb
-Walks sideways and backwards
-Walks forward in place
-Uses one hand more than the other
https://youtu.be/OsRFhMfUpZ0 -
19-21 months Cognitive Development
-Interested in tiny things such as bugs
-Learns to distinguish different smells and sounds
-Enjoys hearing nursery rhymes
-Uses speech to get desired results -
22-24 months Physical Development
-Can throw ball in basket
-Jumps with both feet off the floor
-Snips papper with scissors
-Holds crayon with thumbs two fingers
https://youtu.be/ZWlrCHfZ6oY -
22-24 months Cognitive Development
-intrested in sound repetition
-continues to ask "what is that?"
-follows simple directions
-is able to match familiar objects -
24-30 months Physical Development
-kicks ball forward
-throws ball overhead without aiming
-can soap hands and arms easily
-tears paper and manipulates clay -
24-30 months Cognitive Development
-likes to imitate drawings of older children
-can follow two step command
-uses two word sentences
-enjoys learning names for new objects -
30-36 months Physical Development
-enjoys games involving running
-walks on tiptoe
-strings large beads
-eats with a fork -
30-36 months Cognitive Development
-recognizes self in photograph
-identifies different object by touch
-may use prepositions
-uses personal pronouns correctly