baby is born -
13-15 (intellectual)
-explores different features of objects as if studying them
-experiments with actions never tried before
-likes to look at picture books and pats recognized pictures
-slowly increases vocabulary to four to six words -
13-15 (physical)
-crawls over small barriers
-may stand alone without support for a short time
-may climb stairs on hands and knees
-may be able to back down stairs
-builds small towers of blocks -
16-18 (physical)
-jumps with both feet
-may be able to walk sideways
-walks into ball
-pushes and pulls large toys around the floor
-adds hand gestures to spoken language
-begins to scribble -
16-18 (intellectual)
-remember where objects belong
-scribbles more freely
-enjoys working with shapes on form board
-has short attention span
-imitates simple sounds on request
-refers to self by name when asked
-may use two word phrases -
19 to 21 (physical)
-jumps forward and in place
-hands from bar, grasping with hands
-can kick large ball without stepping on it
-squats easily in play
-holds two object in hand easily
-uses one hand more than the other -
19 to 21 (intellectual)
-is interested in tiny things such as bugs
-looks at books for longer periods of time
-likes to make marks on paper with big crayon
-has vocabulary of about 20 words
-combines two different words
-likes to respond to directions -
22 to 24 (physical)
-walks sideways and backward with ease
-bounces and sways in simple dancing movments
-lacks ability to start efficiently or stop quickly while running
-likes to walk on low walls and perform other stunts
-can throw ball into basket -
22 to 24 (intellectual)
-recognizes when picture in book is upside down
-may be able to recall what is lost and where it might be
-has vocabulary of 50 or more words
-is interested in sound repetition
-understands more words than is able to use
-answers questions concerning the names of the body parts -
24 to 30 (physical)
-kicks ball forward
-plays on swings, ladder, and other playground equipment
-opens doors by turning knobs
-can remove wrapping
-likes to take jar lids off and screw them back on
-tears paper and manipulates clay -
24 to 30 (intellectual)
-likes to listen to tapes and records of stories and songs
-likes to imitate drawings of older children
-can follow two step commands
-uses two word sentences
-enjoys learning names for new objects
-uses words to make requests
-refers to self by names -
30 to 36 (intellectual)
-beings to classify objects into general categories
-can remember and follow three step commands
-can stack rings in the correct order
-recognizes self photographs
-starts to use past tense and plurals
-ask names of objects and repeat them
-uses personal pronouns correctly -
30 to 36 (physical)
-likes to be in constant motion
-goes up stairs by alternating feet
-walks on tiptoe
-likes to paint using full arm motions combined with finger motions
-strings large beads
-eats with a fork
-makes mud pies and sand castles