Toddler timeline

  • baby born

    baby born
    baby is born
  • 13-15 months physical development

    13-15 months physical development
    *may stand alone without support for a short time
    *may climb stairs on hands and knees
    *may climb out of high chair, cribs and strollers
    *has improved grasping skills
    *tries to turn doorknobs
  • 13-15 months intellectual development

    13-15 months intellectual development
    *begins to form concepts
    *notices actions of other children and adults
    *experiences with actions never tried before
    *slowly increases vocabulary to 4 to 6 words
    *may use sounds to indicate specific objects
    *responds to their name when called
  • 16-18 months intellectual development

    16-18 months intellectual development
    *gradually refines concepts
    *has short attention span
    *tries to imitate how parents use objects
    *vocubulary increases to 6 to 10 words
    *says "no" more often
  • 16-18 months physical development

    16-18 months physical development
    *may be able to walk sideways
    *walks fast and runs stiffy
    *jumps with both feet
    *pushes and pulls large toys around the floor
    *likes to grab anything and everything
  • 19-21 months physical development

    19-21 months physical development
    *walks sideways and backwards
    *runs without falling often
    *walks up and down stairs with help
    *holds two objects in hand easily
    *imitates folding a piece of paper
  • 19-21 months intellecutal development

    19-21 months intellecutal development
    *can remember familiar object without seeing them
    *interested in tiny objects, such as bugs
    *likes to make marks on paper with big crayons
    *has a vocabulary of about 20 words
    *enjoys labeling objects and body parts
  • 22-24 months physical development

    22-24 months physical development
    *walks with more coordination
    *trows balls over heads instead of tossing
    *likes to play with clay
    *holds crayons with thumbs and fingers
    *can trow a ball into a basket
  • 22-24 months intellectual development

    22-24 months intellectual development
    *has a vocabulary of about 50 words
    *may distinguish between "one" and "many"
    *ask for food and water when hungry or thirsty
    *follows simple directions and can match familiar objects
    *distinguish between veritical and horizontal lines
  • 24-30 months physical development

    24-30 months physical development
    *improves motor skills as torso lengthens and baby fat goes aways
    *climbs everywhere indoors
    *opens doors by turning knobs
    *tears papers and manipulates clay
    *plays on playground equipment
  • 24-30 months intellictual development

    24-30 months intellictual development
    *becomes increasingly interested in children's TV shows
    *better able to plan a activity and carry it out
    *vocabulary starts at 200 words and increases to 500 or more in this period
    *enjoys learning names for new objects
    *uses two words sentences
  • 30-36 months physical debelopment

    30-36 months physical debelopment
    *likes to be in constant motion: running,walking sideways or backwards
    *enjoys games involving running
    *walks on tiptoes
    *turns doorknobs with greater strengths
    *eats with a fork
  • 30-36 months intellectual development

    30-36 months intellectual development
    *vocabulary starts at 500 words and increases to 900 and 1000 in this period
    *starts to use past tense and plurals
    *becomes more skilled in putting puzzles together
    *recongnizes self in pictures
    *use personal pronouns properly