Baby is Born
13-15 months Physical Development
Cruises along furniture, may stand erect with only slight support,takes steps while holding onto parents' hands, crawls over small barriers, and can sit in a small chair for a short time -
13-15 months Intellectual
Begins to form concepts, loves to mimic all actions, very short memory and almost no forethought, looks in correct place for toys that roll out of sight, and is able to fit round block into round hole in form board -
16-18 months Physical
Likes to grab anythiing and everything, jumps with both feet, may be able to walk sideways, walks fast and runs stiffly, and stands on either foot with support -
16-18 months Intellectual
Gradually refines concepts, many use two-word phrases, is very inquisitive about everything, has short attention span, and enjoys working with shapes on form board -
19-21 months Physical
Squats easily in play, uses one hand more than the other, loves to run, jump, and climb, holds two objects in hand easily, and runs without falling -
19-21 months Intellectual
Can remember familiar objects without seeing them, likes to respnd to directions, interested in tiny things such as bugs, imitates simple actions on request, and combines two different words -
22-24 months Physical
Snips paper with scissors, can throw ball into basket, holds crayon with thumb and fingers, jumps with both feet off the floor, and throws ball overhead instead of tossing -
22-24 months Intellectual
Has vocabulary of 50 or more words, is interested in sound repetiotion,follows simple directions, imitates parents' words and inflections, and listens to and enjoys simple stories -
24-30 months Physical
Kicks ball forward, opens doors by turning knobs, can soar hands and arms easily, tears paper and manipulates clay, and throws ball overhead without aiming -
24-30 months Intellectual
Uses two word sentences, can follow two step commands, uses words to make requests, uses words to make requests, and is able to interpret pictures drawn or painted -
30-36 months Physical
Eats with a fork, enjoys games involving running, builds towers of six or more objects, turns doorknobs with greater strength, and walks on tiptoe -
30-36 months Intellectual
Recognizes self in photos, connects names and uses of objects, uses personal pronouns correctly, understands relative size(big and small), and identifies familiar objects by touch