baby is born
baby is born -
13-15 months physical
PHYSICAL- may stand with slight support, cruises along furniture,may climb stairs on hands and knees,can climb out of crub,can sit in a chair for a short time. -
13-15 months cognitive
COGNITIVE- notices actions of other children, looks in correct places fro toys, has very short memory,experiments with actions, likes to look at pictures -
16-18 months physical
may be able to walk sideways
walks fast and runs stiffly
jumps with both feet
likes to grab anything
works jigsaw puzzles -
16-18 months intellectual
remembers where objects belong
likes working with shapes
short attention span
scribbles more freely
vocab- 6-10 words -
19-21 months physical
walks sideways and backwards
runs without falling
loves to run, jump,climb
can kick large ball
holds 2 objects in one hand -
19-21 months cognitive
can remember familiar objects
likes to make marks on paper
vocab about 20 words
matches sounds
learns to distinguish different sounds -
22-24 months physical
walks with more cordination
bounces and sways
likes to walk on low walls
likes to play with clay
can throw ball into basket -
22-24 months cognitive
curious about objects in the environment
follows simple directions
recongizes upside down
vocab of 50 words
interested in sound repitition -
24-30 months physical
improves motor skills
enjoys running
climbs everywhere indoors
plays on swings
kicks ball forward -
24-30 months cognitive
interested in childrens tv shows
understands cause and effect
enjoys playing house
vacab of 200 words
can follow 2-step commands -
30-36 months physical
likes to be in constant motion
goes up stairs by alternating feet
jumps from elevated objects
sits in adult chairs
catches large ball with arms -
30-36 months cognitive
classifies objects into general catigories
tries new play activities
remember and follow 3-step commands
recognizes self in photos
vocab of 500 and up