13-15 months
may stand erect with only slight support
may stand alone without support for a short time
cruises along furnitures
takes steps while hoding onto parents hand.
explores different features of objects as is studying them -
16-18 months
may be able to walk sideways
stands on either foot for support
gradually refines concepts
is very inquisitive -
19-21 months
walks sideways and backwards
runs without falling often
can remember familiar objects without seeing them
can obtain familiar objects from different room when asked -
22-24 months
walks with more coordinationand assurance
walks sideways and backwards with ease
becomes interested in the outcome of activities
follows simple direction -
24-30 months
enjoys running
climbs on jungle gym
becomes interested in kids shows
understands cause and effects in terms of behaviors -
30-36 months
likes to be constant motion,running,or walking sideways
enjoys games including running
begins to classify objects into general categories
reconizes self photographs