First Day Out Of The Womb
The baby is born and introduced to the world for the first time. -
Period: to
The life of a Toddler
I'm now a year old! -
Officially a Toddler! 13-15 Months
-I'm probably standing up on my own for a few seconds.
-I'm also crawling over barriers.
-I may try to climb out of my crib, stoller, play pen, etc.
-My grasping has improved.
-I'm probably trying to turn doorknobs.
-I'm using a spoon but spilling a little. -
Officially a Toddler! 13-15 months
-I love to mimic all actions.
-I have very short memory and almost no forethought.
-My vocabulary is increasing by 4-6 words.
-I'm responding to when my name is being called.
-I'm recognizing names of major body parts.
-I enjoy looking at picture books. -
I'm 16-18 Months Now!
-I can walk fast
-I can run stiffly.
-I love to grab anything and everythin.
-I can work with jigsaw puzzles with 1-12 pieces.
-I can jump with both feet. -
I'm 16-18 Months Old!
-I say "no" more often than any other word.
-I can understand more words than I can say.
-I have a short attention span.
-I'm beginninig to figure things out through thought process.
-I identify objects by pointing when requested. -
I'm 19-21 Months Old!
-I can walk sideways and backward.
-I love to run, jump, and climb!
-I use one hand more than the other.
-I can hold 2 things in my hand easily.
-I can kick a big ball without stepping on it. -
I'm 19-21 Months Old!
-I can remember familair objects without seeing them.
-I like to make marks on paper with a big crayon.
-I'm learning how to tell the difference of things by sound and smell.
-I have a vocabulary of about 20 words.
-I enjoy to hear nursery rhymes.
-I can match sounds to the animals that make them. -
I'm Almost 2 Years Old! 22-24 months
-I can sit myself in a small chair with ease.
-I can walk with more coordination and assurance.
-I have trouble stopping quickly while running.
-I can put several blocks together to make a train or stack them to build a tower.
-I can hold a crayon using my thumb and fingers.
-I have smoother hand and finger movements. -
I'm Almost 2 Years Old! 22-24 Months
-Objects in the environment make me curious,
-I can follow simple directions.
-My vocabulary may consist of 50 or more words.
-I continue to ask "What's that?"
-I like to listen too simple stories. -
I AM 2 Years Old! 24-30 Months
-I can throw a boll over my head without aiming.
-My motor skills are improving as my torso lengthens and my baby fat starts to disappear.
-I can open doors my turning the knobs.
-I enjoy taking jar lids off and then screwing them back on.
-I can tear paper and manipulate clay. -
I AM 2 Years Old! 24-30 Months
-I am becoming more and more interested in children's TV shows.
-I enjoy playing house and immitating family situatuions.
-I can follow twp-step commands.
-My vocabulary starts at 200 words and increases to 500.
-I enjoy learning names for new objects. -
I'm Almost 3 Years Old! 30-36 Months.
-I can walk on my tippy toes.
-I can throw a ball over my head but my aim isn't that good.
-I can make draw circles, horizontal and verticle lines.
-I can eat with a fork.
-I like to make mud pies and sand castles. -
I'm Almost 3 Years Old! 30-36 Months
-I can name colors correctly.
-I understand time better.
-I'm more creatuve when it comes to pretendng.
-I know how to count.
-I can sort objects by their shape and color.