12-15 months
Physical:Walks alone.
Cognitive: Jabbers expressively. -
16-18 months.
Physical: Climbs up on things, as well as holding things on his/her own.
Cognitive: Vocalizes "no". Has a vocabulary of about 10 words. -
19-21 months.
Physical: Runs, Pushes and pulls, and holds on to things.
Cognitive: Points to one body part on request. -
22-24 months.
Physical: Helps dress and undress self.
Cognitive: Speaks in two word sentences; greater vocabulary. -
24-30 months.
Physical: Jumps in place and walks on tip toes.
Cognitive: Uses phrases and 3 to 4 word sentences. -
30-36 months.
Physical: Can zip and unzip.
Cognitive: Verbalizes toilet needs.