13-15 Months Physical
-May stand alone without support
-Cruises Along Furniture
-Crawls over small barriers
-May be able to walk a few steps
-Climbs on chairs, sofa, and tables -
13-15 Months Cognitive
-Begins to form concepts
-Loves to mimic all actions
-Shows interest in new textures by rubbing fingers over surface
-Likes to look at pictures books and pats
-Has very short memory and almost no forethought -
16-18 Months Physical
-May be able to walk sideways
-Stands on either foot with support
-Walks fast and runs swiftly
-Walks into ball; is unable to kick the ball
-Squats down smoothly from standing position -
16-18 Months Cognitive
-Gradually refines concepts
-Is very inquisitive about everything
-Remebers where objects belong
-Has short attention span
-Tries to imitate the ways parents use objects -
19-21 Months Physical
-Walk sideways and backwards
-Runs without falling
-Love to run, jumos, and climb
-Jumps forward and in place
-Hangs from bar, grasping with hands -
19-21 Months Cognitive
-Is interested in tiny things such as bugs
-Can remeber familiar objects without seeing them
-Can obtain familiar objects from room when asked
-Looks at books for longer periods of time
-Likes to make markson paper with big crayon -
22-24 Months Physical
-Can seat self in small chair with ease
-Jumps with both feet on the floor
-Can throw ball into basket
-Throws ball overhead instead of tossing
-Walks with more coordination and assurance -
22-24 Months Cognitive
-Follows simple directions
-Is able to match similar objects
-Identifies familiar objects on TV screen
-May distinguish between "one" and "many"
-May be able to draw crude pictures -
24-30 Months Cognitive
-Enjoys learning new names for new objects
-Refers to self by name; then learns to use pronouns
-Uses words to make requests
-Understands a few prepositions such as out, in, on
-Vocab increases 200-500 words -
24-30 Months Physical
-Opens door by turning knobs
-Can remove wrapping from gum and candy
-Can carefully turn pages of book one page at a time
-Can soap hands and arms easily
-Tears paper and manipulates clay -
30-36 Months Physical
-Turns doorknob with greater strength
-Eats wtih a fork
-Makes mud pies and sand castles
-Enjoys games involving running
-Walks on tiptoe -
30-36 Months Cognitive
-Use personal pronouns correctly
-Understands relative sive
-Ask names of objects and repeats them
-Vocab increases from 900-1000 words
-Recognize self in photographs