physical 13-15 months
- may stand erect with only slight support
- crawls over small barriers
- has improved grasping skills
- can open small hinged boxes
Cognitive 13-15 months
- expierements with actions never tried before
- likes to look at picture books
- babbles with expression
- may attempt to imitate words others say
cognitive 16-18 months
- gradually refines concepts
- has short attention span
- imitates simple sounds on request
- can point to own body parts on request
physical 16-18 months
- may be able to walk sideways
- walks fast and runs stiffly
- works jigsaw puzzles with one to two pieces
- adds hand gestures to spoken language
cognitive 19-21 months
- imitates special actions on request
- has vocabulary of about 20 words
- likes to respond to directions
- can remeber familiar objects without seeing them
physical 19-21 months
- can kick large ball without stepping on it
- uses one hand more than the other
- jumps foward and in place
- holds to objects in hand easily
physical 22-24 months
- walks with more coordination
- walks sideways and backwards with ease
- likes to play with modeling clay
- snips paper with scissors
cognitive 22-24 months
- is curious about objects and enviornment
- follows simple directions
- has vocab of 50 or more words
- is interested in sound repetition
physical 24-30 months
- climbs everywhere indoors
- kicks ball foward
- opens doors by turning knobs
- can soap hands and arms easily
cognitive 24-30 months
- vocab starts at 200 and goes to 500
- uses two word sentences
- likes to imitate drawings of older children
- can follow two step commands
physical 30-36 months
- jumps from any elevated objects
- walks on tip toes
- eats with a fork
- strings large beads
cognitive 30-36 months
- tries out various roles and make believe play
- creates two to three word sentences
- may use prepositions
- ask names of objects and repeats them