Toddler Timeline

  • Born

  • 13 to 15 months phyisical

    13 to 15 months phyisical stand alone without support for a short time
    has improved grasping skills
    takes steps whild holding someones hand
    turns pages in a picture book
    can sit in a small chair for a short time
  • 13 to 15 months cognitive

    13 to 15 months cognitive
    Forms concepts
    very short memory
    responds to name
    shows interest in textures
  • 16 to 18 months physical

    16 to 18 months physical
    walk sideways
    grab anything and everything
    walks fast
    begins to scribble
    walks into ball
  • 116 to 18 months cognitive

    116 to 18 months cognitive
    remembers where objects belong
    vocab increases to 6 to 10 words
    identifies simple pictures
    understands more words
    has short attention span
  • 19 to 21 months physical

    19 to 21 months physical
    walks sideways andf backwards
    holds two objects in hands easily
    runs without falling
    builds tower of blocks
    jumps forwards or in place
  • 19 to 21 months cognitive

    19 to 21 months cognitive
    imaginative play
    vocab of about 20 words
    can remember objects
    combines 2 different words
    looks at books for a longer period of time
  • 22 to 24 months physical

    22 to 24 months physical
    walks with more coordination
    shows increased coordination
    bounces and sways
    can seat self in a small chair
    likes to play with clay
  • 22 to 24 months cognitive

    22 to 24 months cognitive
    curious about objects in enviroment
    follows simple directions
    draw crude pictures
    has vocab of 50 or more words
    recognizes when a book is upside down
  • 24 to 30 months physical

    24 to 30 months physical
    enjoys running
    climbs everywhere
    plays on swings
    opens doors
    can remove wrapping paper
  • 24 to 30 months cognitive

    24 to 30 months cognitive
    interested in children tv shows
    understands cause and effect
    enjoys playing house
    vocab starts at 200 words
    uses 2 word sentences
  • 30 to 36 months physical

    30 to 36 months physical
    likes to be in constant motion
    enjoys games involving running
    goes up stairs
    turns doorknobs
    climbs quickly on jungle gym
  • 30 to 36 months cognitive

    30 to 36 months cognitive
    begins to classify objects into general cateegories
    tries out various roles
    vocab is at about 500 to 1000 words
    creates two to three word sentences
    becomes more skilled in making puzzles