birth of baby
13 to 15 months
Physical development : May climb stairs on hands and knees
Crawl over small barriers
Intellectual development: Likes to look at picture books ans pats
recognized pictures.
Experiments with actions never before. -
16 to 18 months
physical development: pushes and pulls large toys around the floor. walks fast and runs stiffly. intellectual development: Remembers where objects belong.
Is very inquisitive about everything. -
19 to 21 months
Physical development: Loves to run, jump and climb. Responds to rhythmically to music with whole body. Intellectual Development: Is interested in tiny things such as bugs. -
22 to 24 months
Physical development: walks with more coordination and assurance
Throws ball overhead instead is tossing Intellectual development: May be able to draw crude pictures and interpret what they are.May distinguish between "one" and "many". -
24 to 30 months
Physical development: Everywhere indoors, even in forbidden places.improves motor skills as torso lengthens and baby fat begins to disappear. Intellectual development: Likes to listen to tapes and records of stories and songs.Is better able to plan a play activity and carry it out. -
30 to 36 months
Physical development: Throws ball overhead but aim is still poor.Enjoys games involving running. Intellectual development: Uses symbolic representation in make-believe play. Can remember and follow three step commands.