
Toddler Timeline

By Khaki_M
  • Birth of the baby

    Birth of the baby
    The baby is born.
  • 13 to 15 months: Physical Development

    13 to 15 months: Physical Development
    -Takes steps while holding onto parents' hands
    -May climb stairs on hands and knees
    -Can sit in a small chair for a short time
    -Builds small towers of blocks
    -Uses spoon, spilling little
  • 13 to 15 months: Intellectual Development

    13 to 15 months: Intellectual Development
    -Notices actions of other children and adults (loves to mimic actions)
    -Looks in the correct place for toys that roll out of sight
    -Slowly increases vocabulary to four to six words
    -May attempt to imitate words that others say
    -Responds to own name, comes when called
  • 16 to 18 months: Physical Development

    16 to 18 months: Physical Development
    -May be able to walk sideways
    -Walks fast and runs stiffly
    -Pushes and pulls large toys around the floor
    -Begins to scribble
    -Places round pegs in a pegboard
  • 16 to 18 months: Intellectual Development

    16 to 18 months: Intellectual Development
    -Tries to imitate the way parents use objects
    -Enjoys working with shapes on form board
    -Identifies simple pictures in books (ex:ball)
    -Imitates simple sounds on request
    -May use two-word phrases
  • 19 to 21 months: Physical Development

    19 to 21 months: Physical Development
    -Runs without falling often
    -Walks up and down stairs with help
    -Jumps forward and in place
    -Holds two objects in hand easily
    -Uses one hand more than other
  • 19 to 21 months: Intellectual Development

    19 to 21 months: Intellectual Development
    -Likes to make marks on paper with a big crayon
    -Imitates simple actions on request
    -Interested in tiny things like bugs
    -Uses speech to get desire results
    -Constantly asks "What's that?"
  • 22 to 24 months: Physical Development

    22 to 24 months: Physical Development
    -Bounces and sways in simple dancing movements
    -Likes to walk on low walls and perform other stunts
    -Can throw ball into basket
    -Walks with more coordination and assurance
    -Alternates between sitting and standing positions easily
  • 22 to 24 months: Intellectual Development

    22 to 24 months: Intellectual Development
    -Is able to match familiar objects
    -Identifies familiar objects on TV screen
    -Recognizes when picture book is upside down
    -May be able to draw crude pictures and interpret what they are
    -Listens to and enjoys simple stories
  • 25 to 30 months: Physical Development

    25 to 30 months: Physical Development
    -Improves motor skills as torso lengthens and baby fat begins to disappear
    -Climbs everywhere indoors, even in forbidden places
    -Kicks ball forward
    -Opens door by turning knobs
    -Can carefully turn pages of book one page at a time
  • 25 to 30 months: Intellectual Development

    25 to 30 months: Intellectual Development
    -Enjoys playing house and imitating family situations
    -Understands cause and effect in terms of own behavior
    -Likes to listen to tapes and records of stories and songs
    -Understands a few prepositions such as out, in, on
    -Vocabulary starts at 200 words and increases to 500 or more in this period
  • 31 to 36 months: Intellectual Development

    31 to 36 months: Intellectual Development
    -Begins to classify objects into general categories
    -Become more skilled in putting puzzles together
    -Can stack rings in the correct order
    -Recognizes self in photographs
    -Ask names of objects and repeats them
  • 31 to 36 months: Physical Development

    31 to 36 months: Physical Development
    • Enjoys games involving running -Climbs quickly on jungle gym to reach the top -Jumps from elevated heights -Likes to paint using full arm motions combined with finger motions -Strings long beads