Cute toddler

Toddler Timeline

  • Baby is born!

  • 12-15 Physical Development

    12-15 Physical Development
    *Can turn several pages of a book at a time.
    *Says "mama" and/or "dada".
    *Likes to hand back toys between hands.
    *May have started to walk.
  • 12-15 Months Cognitive Development

    12-15 Months Cognitive Development
    *Better able to express feelings.
    *Responds to directions.
    *Understands tools and their uses such as a spoon to soup
    *Say simple words
  • 16-18 Months Physical Development

    16-18 Months Physical Development
    *Can slide down stairs backwards, one step at a time.
    *Turns pages when being read to.
    *Become attached to a certain toy
  • 16-18 Months Cognitive Development

    16-18 Months Cognitive Development
    Children often become:
    *also fearfull
  • 19-21 Months Physical Development

    19-21 Months Physical Development
    *Can pull toys with wheels
    *Brush teeth
    *Can change their clothing
    *Draw better, possible more recognizable shapes.
  • 19-21 Months Cognitive Development

    19-21 Months Cognitive Development
    *May understand more and be able to wait longer.
    *Say 20-50 words
    *Start setting small goals
    *Name people, objects, and/or animals when shown.
  • 22-24 Months Physical Development

    22-24 Months Physical Development
    *Walks well
    *Show good bladder control
    *Open and close doors
    *Walk down starirs
  • 22-24 Months Cognitive Development

    22-24 Months Cognitive Development
    *Child becomes more ovewhelmed, and their frustration becomes anger.
    *Identify body parts
    *Start asking "why" to almost everything.
    *Start to understand gender differences
  • 24-30 Months Physical Development

    24-30 Months Physical Development
    *Can stack at least 6 blocks.
    *Becomes more social
    *Begins to show interest in using the toilet.
    *Gets better at throwing
  • 24-30 Months Cognitive Development

    24-30 Months Cognitive Development
    *Able to understand spoken commands, and speak.
    *Attention span increases
    *Desire to be independant
    *May have an imaginary friend.
  • 30-36 Months Physical Development

    30-36 Months Physical Development
    *Can draw comprehensible circles, horizantal and vertical lines .
    *Balence on one foot
    *Begins using tricycle
    *Walks backwards
  • 30-36 Months Cognitive Development

    30-36 Months Cognitive Development
    *Accept resonable, loving guidence more readily than before.
    *Expresses more emotions
    *Uses pronouns when speaking
    *Develops friendships.