12-15 Months
*May Walk a few steps alone
*Holds & Drinks From A cup
* Pushes buttons on toys
*Pulling a ball towards them so they can roll it -
16-18 Months
*Walk without help
* Eat with a Spoon
*Play Matching games
*Act like a type Of animal -
19-21 Months
*Interact With other children
*Say Simple words
*Interact With objects
*Identify Pictures -
22-24 Months
*Use the bathroom without help
*View theirself in the Mirror
*Label Objects
*Wander around and climb -
24-30 Months
*Color With Crayons
*Know thier Body parts
*Able to Walk Backwards
*Run easier and better -
30-36 Months
*Brushes Teeth on own
*Wash hands
*Has most teeth coming in
*Able to inform the caregiver that they are hurt