
Toddler Timeline

  • Bella Grace is born!

    Bella Grace is born!
    Its a girl!
  • 13-15 months: Physical Development

    13-15 months: Physical Development
    The child is suppose to be standing with support, cruising along furniture, crawling over objects, and climbing out of their cribs and around obstacle courses.
  • 13-15 months: Cognitive

    13-15 months: Cognitive
    At this age toddlers begin to understand concepts and understand actions. They also begin to experiment with things they have never tried. Even though they are developing they have a very short memory and no forethought.
  • 16-18 month old Physical

    16-18 month old Physical
    At these ages toddlers should be able to walk sideways, push and pull large toys, run stiffly, and add hand gestures to spoken language.They also can walk into balls but cannot yet kick them.
  • 16-18 month old: Cognitive

    16-18 month old: Cognitive
    Toddlers at this age comonly imitate how their parents use objects, scribble more freely, identify simple imgages. They also will have a short attention span.
  • 19-21 month old: Physical

    19-21 month old: Physical
    Watch out because your toddlers will be able to run without falling often, walk up stairs, and kick large balls! They also will begin to open screw type container and snip paper with scissors.
  • 19-21 month old: Cognitive

    19-21 month old: Cognitive
    Within these months your child will begin to show interest in tiny things such as bugs, progress in imaginitive play, remember familiar faces and objects, and begin to learn how to distinguish sounds.
  • 22-24 month old: Physical

    22-24 month old: Physical
    Get ready for the sports! At these months your toddler can throw a ball overhand, will bounce and sway to music in simple beats. They do lack the ability to start and stop efficently, but they can seat them self in a chair with ease!
  • 22-24 month old: Cognitive

    22-24 month old: Cognitive
    At the beginng of these months toddlers can follow simple directions, answer simple questions, distinguish between vertical and horizontal lines, and are still extremely curious.
  • 24-30 month old: Physical

    24-30 month old: Physical
    Around these months your adventurious toddlers can soap their hands and arms easily, remove the wrapping from candy and gum. The will also climb everywhere over everything. The torso also lengthens and the baby fat we all love begins to disappear.
  • 24-30 month old: Cognitive

    24-30 month old: Cognitive
    Don't let your child become a couch potato! At this age toddlers become very interested in watching TV shows, understand cause and effects of their own behaviors, use two word sentences, and are able to interpret drawings.
  • 30-36 month old: Physical

    30-36 month old: Physical
    During these months toddlers can turn door knobs, take objects apart, walk on tiptoes, and jump from elevations.
  • 30-36 month old: Cognitive

    30-36 month old: Cognitive
    At this age toddlers begin to clissify objects in general groups, remember three step commands, connect names and uses of objects, and create sentences!
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