
Toddler Timeline

  • Birth

    Baby i born after 9 months
  • 12 Months - 15 months

    12 Months - 15 months
    Baby finally turns 1 year old. The baby has the same needs of a regular adult person. like hygine in teeth and a proper diet. A Change in the toddlers body the shoulder broden & the overall body balances out.
  • 16 months - 18 months

    16 months - 18 months
    Babys maybe able to walk sideways, jumps with both feet and trowing the ball improves. Vocabulary increases to six to ten words. Emotinal wise they are still very egocentric, hugs favorite toys. They may hug pets way to hard when showing affection. Responds to simple requests.
  • 19 Months - 21 Months

    19 Months - 21 Months
    Walks sideways & backwards without a problem, runs often without falling. Can kick a large ball without stepping on it. Can match animal sound. Likes to claim things as "mine". Reveals a sense of trust with adults.
  • 22 Months - 24 Months

    22 Months - 24 Months
    Bounces and sways in simple dancing movements. Can throw ball into a basket , lacks to ability to start efficently or stop quickly while running. Can seat self in a small chair with ease. Becomes interested in the precise placement of objects; enjoys form boards and simple puzzles.
  • 24 Months - 30 months

    24 Months - 30 months
    Climbs everywhere indoors and in forbiden areas. Kicks ball forward. Throws ball overhead but withot aiming. Becomes increasinly intersted in childrens TV shows. May exhiit increasing independece one mintue and then run back to security of parents the next.