Baby is born!
12-15 Months : Physical
Toddlers at this age may stand alone without support for a short peroid of time. They may also crawl over barriers and they may be able to climb stairs on their hands and knees. -
12-15 Months: Cognituve
Toddlers notice actions of other children and adults and may love to mimic thier actions. They may also like to explore different features of objects. -
16-13 Months: Physical
At this age toddlers walks fast ans runs stifly, they make squat down smootly from a standing position. -
16-18 Months : Congnitive
Toddler remember where objects belong and try to imitate the way parents use objects. They also scibble more freely and they cn identify simple pictures in a book like "ball" and "doggie". -
19-21 Months: Physial
Toddlers run wihtout falling often, they respond to music with whole body, and they love to run,jump, and climb. They may also kick balls without steeping on them. -
19-21 Months : Cognitive
Toddlers can place place circles, triangles, and squares in a box. They can also complete jigsaw puzzle of three pieces and they learn to distinguish different sounds. -
22-24 Mothns : Physical
Toddlers can walk with more cordination and walk sideways and backwards with ease. They can also throw a ball into a basket abd thrw it overhead instead or tossing. -
22-24 Months : Cognitive
Toddlers at this age become interested in the outcome of activites . They recognize then a picture n a book is upside down. They may be able to draw crude pictues and interpret what they are. -
24-30 Months : Physical
Toddlers enjoy running but they may be able to stop. They play om swings,ladders, and enjoy playground equiment. They also kick balls forward. -
24-30 Months : Cogntive
Toddlers become interested in children's TV shows. They alos like to listen to tapes and recoring or stories and songs, and they like to draw pictures of older clildren. -
30-36 Months : Physical
Toddlers like to be in constant motion, running or walking sidreways and backwards. They enjoy games that include running and they climb quickly on a jungle gym. They can also walk on thier tippytoes, -
30-36 Months : Cognitive
Toddlers like to play roles in make-believe plays. They can reconginze themselfs in a photograpgh and they can remember and follow commands.