
Toddler Timeline

  • Birth of baby Skylar

    Birth of baby Skylar
    Baby was born!
  • Period: to

    Baby was born

  • 12-15 months Intellectual

    12-15 months Intellectual
    • Likes to look at picutre books an pats recognized picutres. -Shows interest in texture by rubbing fingers over surface. -Has very short memory and almost no forethought.
    • May use sound to indicate specific objects.
  • 12-15 months physical

    12-15 months physical
    -May stand alone without support for a short period of time.
    -Cruises along furniture.
    -Crawls forward or backward with varying speed.
    - Has improved grasping skills.
  • 16-18 months Intellectual

    16-18 months Intellectual
    -Remembers where objects belong.
    - Begins to figure out things through thought process.
    - Has a short attention span
    - Understands more words than is capable of saying.
  • 16-18 months physical

    16-18 months physical
    -Stands on either foot with support.
    - Walks fast and runs stiffly.
    - Jumps with both feet.
    - May show hand preference in all activities.
  • 19-21 months physical

    19-21 months physical
    -Runs without falling often. Walks up and on stairs with help.
    - Can kick a large ball without stepping on it.
    -Holds two objects in hand easily.
    - Builds tower of 5 or 6 blocks.
  • 19-21 months intellectual

    19-21 months intellectual
    • Can remember familiar objects without seeing them.
    • Can obtain familiar objects from different room when asked.
    • Likes to make marks on paper with big crayon.
    • Has vocabulary of about 20 words.
  • 22-24 months physical

    22-24 months physical
    • Alternates between standing and sitting positions easily.
    • Can throw ball into basket and throws ball overhead instead of tossing.
    • Can put several blocks together to make a train or stack them to build a tower,
    • Likes to play with modeling clay.
  • 22-24 months intellectual

    22-24 months intellectual
    -Has vocabulary of 50 words or more.
    - Is interested in sound repition.
    -Answers questions concerning the names of body parts.
    - Continues to ask " What's that?"
  • 24 - 30 months physical

    24 - 30 months physical
    • Plays on swings, ladders and other playground equipment. -Opens doors by turning knobs.
    • Can carefully turn pages of book one page at a time.
    • Can remove wraping from gum and candy.
  • 24 - 30 months intellectual

    24 - 30 months intellectual
  • 30 - 36 months physical

    30 - 36 months physical
    • Enjoys games involving running.
    • Jumps from elevated objects.
    • Sits in adult chairs and may prefer these to small chairs.
    • Walks on tip toes.
  • 30 - 36 months intellecutal

    30 - 36 months intellecutal
    • Begins to classify objects into general categories.
    • Becomes more skilled in putting puzzles together.
    • Can remember and follow three-step commands.
    • Starts to use past tense and plurals.