baby is born
13-15 physical
-may stand alone without support for a short time
-take steps while holding onto parents hands
-may be able to back down stairs
-uses spoon, spilling little -
13-15 months cognitive
-loves to mimic all actions
-has very short memory
-amuses self with vocal play
-follows simple commands -
16-18 cognitive
-gradually refines concepts
.scribbles more freely
. short intention spand -
16-18 physical
- may be able to walk sideways -walks fast and runs -works jigsaw puzzles
19-21 months physical
.loves to run, jump, and climb
. hangs from bars, grassping with hands.
.runs without falling often -
19-21 months cognitive
.looks at books
. interested in bugs
.places circles in form board -
22-24 months physical
. can throw a ball in a basket.
.jumps with both feet off floor.
.snips paper with sissors -
22-24 months cognitive
May be able to draw crude pictures and interpret what they are.
Has vocabulary of 50 or words.
Continues to ask " What is that? -
24-30 months baby physical
-plays on swings
-kicks ball forward
-throws ball overhead but without aiming -
24-30 cognitive
-can remember and follow 3 step demand
-uses person pronouns correctly
-can stack rings in the correct order -
30-36 physical
-turns door knobs with great strenght
-catches ball with arms and hands out straight
-eats with a fork -
30-36 cognitive
-recognizes self and pictures
-understands big and small
-starts to use past tense and plural