baby is born
13-15 months (physical)
most babies are walking now.
exercise fine motor and self-help skills
gain less than half of the monthly weight in the first 13 months -
13-15 month (cognitive)
begins to form concepts
explores more
experiments with actions
has a very short memory
slowy increases vocabulary to four to six words -
16-18 months (physical)
may be able to walk sideways
walks fast & runs fast
squats down smoothly
jumos with both feet
improves throwing motion
likes to grab anything and everything -
16-18 month (cognitive)
refines concepts
remembers where objects belong
begins to figure out things
has a short attention span
increases vocabulary to 6 to 10 words -
19-21 months (physical)
walks sideways and backwords
runs without falling
wlaks up and downthe stairs with help
jumps foward and in place
hangs from a bar
holds 2 objects in hand
builds things -
19 - 21 month (congntive)
can remember familiar objects without seeing them
can obtain familiar obbjects
has a vocab of about 20 words
completes simple jigsaw puzzles
learns to distinguish different sounds and smells -
22-24 months (physical)
walks with more coordination
bounces & sways
simple dance movements
can sit self in small chair
can through ball over head instead of tossing
snips papers with scissors -
22-24 months (cognitive)
curious about objects
follows simple directions
maybe able to draw pictures & interprate what they are
knows between horizontal & vertical lines
has a vocabulary of 50 or more words
answering questions
immitates parents
interested in sound of repetition -
24-30 months (physical )
improves motor skills as torso lengthens and baby fat begins to disappear
enjoys running
climbs everywhere
kicks ball foward
opens doors
can remove wrapping
can turn pages -
24-30 month (cognitive )
becomes interested in TV shows
understands cause and efffect
likes to listen to tapes of songs
able to interpret drawings
vocabulary of 300 words
uses 2 word sentences
learns pronouns
understands a few preposition such as out , in , on -
30-36 months (physical)
likes to be in constant motion
enjoys games involving running
goes up the stairs
climbs quickly on a jungle gym
jumps from any elevated object
throws ball over head, but aim is still poor
walks on tip toes
eats with a fork
builds a tour of 6 or more blocks
takes objects apart & can put them back together -
30-36 months (cognitive)
begins to classify objects into general categories
tries new activities to play
can remember & follow 3 step commands
identifies objects by touch
recognizes self in pictures
creates 2 to 3 word sentences; including verbs
understands relative size