baby is born
30-36 months physical
By this age, your child will like to be in constant motion, weather it be walkings, running or climbing. If the caregiver has stairs in the house or facility, the child will be able to make it up by alternating feet but makes it down with one foot at a time. Chances are, your child will be fasinated with walking on their tiptoes too. -
13-15 months old physical developement
At this age, your child may be standing up straight without much support from its surrondings, but only for a short time. Just like seen in the picture, it is vommon for parents to start tyring to teach their child to walk. Crawling for your child should no longer be a challenge. Most 13-15 month old toddlers can crawl forwards and backwards at different speeds. -
13-15 months Cognitive
At this age, your child will mimic most actions they see in there parents and anyone they are experienced with. Toddlers have very short memories, but are able to know that a round block would fit in the round hole in a form board or puzzle. -
16 months- physical develelopement
Its normal is your toddler from months 16-18 is walking a little sideways. You'll probably notice that your child walks fast and runs stiffly. Your toddler will most likely be jumping with both feet, too. -
16-18 months cognitive
Your toddlers' thought process will get better an they will be able to remember things and figure things out through a thought process.
Toddlers like to be stimulated through shapes and colors, they enjoy figuring things out, though may be frustated easily. They'll be able to indentify things in real life or in a book, but only simple objects like 'ball' or 'dog'. -
19- 21 months physical
By 19 months your child should be runing without falling down often, this shows they have improved their balance. Your toddler should be able to respond chymically to music using their whole body. Now is the time to bring your child to the park because they are discovering how to use their bodies and muscles, and they love to try it out. -
19-21 months cognitive
Your child is now so developed that they can remember objects even when they cant see them, and they are able to get an object from another room. Your child also recognizes the different smells and sounds of their surrondings. -
22-24 months physical
Now that your toddler is walking with coordination and assurance,he or should can walk backward and sideways with ease. Your child will react to music by bouncing and swaying in simple dance movements. Its important to pay close attention to your child now, because they move easy and fast. -
22-24 months cognitive
Now is the time your child will become interested in the outcome in activites rather than simply the activitites themselves. Meaning, if they throw something, they know someone will pick it up for them, therefore, they do it. Your child is now getting familiar with listening to directions and commands. Your child may be able to draw easily interpretted pictures, too. -
24-30 months physical
As your childs torso lengthens and baby fat begins to disappear, their motor skills will improve. Your child is likely to enjoy running but typically stops suddenly. Keep a close eye on your toddler, because they like to get into places that they dont belong, places that aren't really safe. -
24-30 months cognitive
You will probably notice how your child is incresingly interested in childeren TV shows, because they have a more open imagination and a more comprehending mind. Your child is likely to still enjoy imitating its surrondings. Depending on how developed your 2 or 2 and a 1/2 year old is, they may be able to solve problems by repeating past actions. -
30-36 months cognitive
Your toddler will be trying new play activites to discover more about how things work. Becoming skilled at putting puzzles together is normal and good becuase it regulates brain stimulation. Your child will also be able to follow 3 step commands. ex: go to the bedroom, get your ball, and bring it here.