baby is born!
Happy Birthday, baby!! :) -
13-15 Months-Physical Development
Improves grasping skills. Stands erect with only slight support. -
13-15 Months-Cognitive Development
Begins to form concepts. Notices actions of other children and adults. Explores different features of objects as if studying them, -
16-18 Months-Physical Development
Walks fast and runs. Likes to grab anything and everything. Begins to scribble. -
16-18 Months-Cognitive Development
Has short attention span. Obeys command, "Give it to me." Identifies objects by pointing when requested. -
19-21 Months-Physical Development
Walks backwards. Walks up and down stairs with help. Responds rhythmically to music with whole body. Uses one hand more than the other. -
19-21 Months-Cognitive Development
Progresses from simple imitation to imaginative play. Completes simple jigsaw puzzles of two or three pieces. Has a vocabulary of about 20 words. -
22-24 Months-Physical Development
Alternates from standing to siting positions easily. throws ball over head instead of tossing. Snips paper with scissors. Likes to play with modeling clay. -
22-24 Months-Cognitive Development
Follows simple directions. Able to match familiar objects. Has a vocabulary of 50 or more words. Listens to and enjoys simple stories. -
24-30 Months-Physical Development
Plays on swings ladders and other playground equipment. Opens doors by turning knobs. Likes to take jar lids off and screw them back on. -
24-30 Months-Cognitive Development
Becomes increasingly interested in children's t.v shows. Can follow two step commands. Vocabulary words start at 200 words and increases to 500 and more in this period. Refers to self by name and learns to use pronouns. -
30-36 Months-Physical Development
Eats with fork. Likes to be in constant motion, running or walking sideways or backwards. Climbs up slide ladder and slides down. likes to paint with full arm motion combined with finger motions. -
30-36 Months-Cognitive Development
Vocabulary starts at 500 words and increases to 900 or a 1000 in this period. Starts to past tense and plural words. Recognizes self in photographes. Tries out various roles and make-believe play.