Baby is Born
13-15 Months Physical
- Your toddler cruises along furniture. -Your toddler may be able to walk a few steps alone. -Your toddler needs improvement in manipulation skills. -Your toddler turns cardboard or cloth pages of picture books.
13-15 Months Cognitive
-Your toddler notices actions of other children and adults, loves to mimic.
--Your toddler explores different features of objects as if studying them.
-Your toddler has very short memory and almost no forethought.
- Your toddler -
16-18 Months Physical
-Your toddler may be able to walk sideways
- Your toddler stands on either foot with support.
- Your toddler may show hand preference in all activities
- your toddler likes to grab anything and everything -
16-18 Months Cognitive
-Your toddler gradually finds concepts
-Your toddler is very inquesite about everything
-Your toddler vocab increases to six to ten words.
-Your toddleer imitates simple sounds on request -
19-21 Months Physical
-Your toddler walks sideways and backward
-Your toddler runs without falling often
-Your toddler holds two objects in hand easily
-Your toddler builds tower of five or six blocks -
19-21 Months Cognitive
-Your toddler progresses from simple imitation to imaginative play
-Your toddler can remember familiar
-Your toddler has vocab of about 20 words
-Your toddler combines two different words -
22-24 Months Physical
- Your toddler walks with more coordination and assurance -Your toddler walks sideways and backward with ease -Your toddler shows increased coordination and smother and finger movements
- Your toddler likes to play with modeling clay
22-24 Months Cognitive
- Your toddler becomes interested in the outcomes of activities -Your toddler is curious about objects in the enviroment -Your toddler has vocab of about 50 or more words -Your toddler is interested in sound repition
24-30 Months Physical
-Your toddler kicks ball foward
-Your toddler throws ball overhead but without aiming
-Your toddler opens door ny turning knobs
-Your toddler can remove wrapping from gum and candy -
24-30 Months Cognitive
-Your toddler becomes increasingly interested in children's TV shows
-Your toddler understands cause and effect in terms of own behavior
-Your toddler uses two-word sentences
-Your toddler uses words to make requests -
30-36 Months Physical
-Your toddler enjoys games involving running
-Your toddler walks on tiptoe
-Your toddler turns doorknobs with greater strength
-Your toddler eats with a fork -
30-36 Months Cognitive
-Your toddler begins to classify objects into general categories
-Your toddler recognizes self in photos
-Your toddler starts to use past tense and plurals
-Your toddler uses personal pronouns correctly -