The Baby is born
13 - 15 months (cognitive)
- Notice actions of other children and adults
- Loves to mimic all actions
- Responds to own name comes when called
- Recognizes names of major body parts
- Experiments with actions never tried before
16 - 18 months (cognitive)
_ Gradually refines concepts
_ Remembers where objects belong
_ Begins to firgure things out through thought process
_ Vocubarly increases to six to ten words
_ Refers to self by name when asked -
19 - 21 months (physical)
_ Walks sideways and backwards
_Runs without falling often
_ Loves to run, jump and climb
_ Holds two objects in hand easily
_ Uses one hand more than the other -
22 - 24 months (physical)
_ Bounces and sways in simple dancing movements
_ Can throw ball into basket
_ Jumps with both feet off the floor
_ Holds crayon with thumb and fingers
_ Snips paper with scissors -
24 - 30 months (cognitive)
_ Can follow two step commands
_ Likes to listen to tapes and records of stories and songs
_Distingushes between before and after
_ Uses two word sentences
_ Enjoys learning names for new objects -
30 - 36 months (physical)
_ Enjoys games involving running
_ Walks on tiptoe
_ Climbs up slide ladder and slides down
_ Eats with a fork
_ Makes mud pies and sandcastles -
30 - 36 months (cognitive)
_ Can stack rings in the correct order
_ Recoginizes self in pictures
_ Uses personal pronouns correctly
_ Connects name and uses of objects
_ Starts to use past tense and plurals -
16 - 18 months (physical)
_ May be able to walk sideways
_ Stands on either foot with support
_Begins to scribble
_ Works jigsaw puzzles with one to two peices
_ Pushes and pulls large toys around the floor -
19 - 21 month ( cognitive)
_ Progresses from simple imitation to imaginative play
_ Can remember familiar objects without seeing them
_ Is interested in tiny things such as bugs
_ Enjoys labeling objects and parts of body
_ Constantly asks " what's that?" -
22 - 24 month (cognitive)
_ Follows simple directions
_ Is able to match familiar objects on TV screen
_ May distinguish between "one" and "many"
_Has vocubalary of 50 or more words
_ Is able to ask for things using simple words -
24- 30 months (physical)
_ Kicks ball forward
_ Throws ball overhead but without aiming
_ Enjoys running but is unable to measure sudden stops. May collide with other people or obstacles
_ Opens door by turning knobs
_ Can remove wrapping from gum and candy -
13 - 15 months (physical)
- May stand erect with only slight support
- May stand alone without support for a short period of time -Enjoys filling and emptying containers with small objects -May climb stairs on hands and knees -Builds small towers of blocks