Today in HIstory #2

By keruger
  • Oct 9, 1000

    Ericson's expandition

    Ericson's expandition
    Leif Ericson's ships reach Vinland in 1000 A.D.
  • Oct 21, 1096


    Sultan Kilidj Arslan of Nicea defeats 1st Crusaders in 1096
  • Oct 4, 1450

    Henry and Anne

    Henry and Anne
    Henry the 8th and Anne the Kleef get married.
  • Sep 30, 1452

    The Bible

    The Bible
    1st book published, Johann Guttenberg's Bible in 1452
  • Oct 22, 1469

    Ferdinand and Isabella

    Ferdinand and Isabella
    Ferdinand and Isabella get married in 1469
  • Oct 2, 1492


    England invades France in 1492, 100 years war led by King Henry VII
  • Trial against Mary

    Trial against Mary
    Mary Queen of Scots goes on trial for conspiracy against Elizabeth
  • Beheaded

    Marie Antoinette is beheaded in 1973
  • Chicago Fire

    Chicago Fire
    1871 Great Chicago fire begins
  • Heny Ford

    Heny Ford
    Henry Ford institutes moving assembly line in 1913
  • Al Capone

    Al Capone
    Capone goes to prison in 1931
  • Drivers

    Wrost driver in American history
  • Germany and peace

    Germany and peace
    Two Germanys unite after forty-five years with Jubilation and a vow of peace.