
To whom it might concern I have parents that love me unlike certain people like Melanie Gardener this is a flex as people nowadays are normally lacking in parental figures. Milk running out is a very large reason, as dads leave and don't come back with it

  • American Revolution

    American Revolution
    The revolutionary war was started to get independence from great britain.
  • Declaration of Independence

    Declaration of Independence
    The founding fathers signed the declaration of independence
  • The US constitution was rattified

    The US constitution was rattified
    when each state had ratifying conventions.
  • Louisiana Purchase

    Louisiana Purchase
    When the US bought land from Spain.
  • Lewis and Clark explored the Western frontier

    Lewis and Clark explored the Western frontier
    The date that Lewis and Clark explored the new louisiana purchases land.
  • Beginning of the Civil War

    Beginning of the Civil War
    When the south and the north started the bloodiest war in US history.
  • Gettysburg Address

    Gettysburg Address
    The day when Abe Lincoln addressed the battle of Gettysburg
  • Abraham Lincoln is assassinated

    Abraham Lincoln is assassinated
    The date when Abe Lincoln was shot dead in Fords theater
  • End of the Civil War

    End of the Civil War
    When the war for civil rights ended
  • Gilded Age begins

    Gilded Age begins
    When railroad company's and other large company's got really rich
  • Alexander Graham Bell invents the telephone

    Alexander Graham Bell invents the telephone
    When Alexander Graham Bell Created the first phone
  • Thomas Edison perfects the lightbulb

    Thomas Edison perfects the lightbulb
    When Thomas Edison finished the electric lightbulb
  • Gilded Age ends

    Gilded Age ends
    When the money glitch was patched.
  • The Wright Brothers invent the airplane

    The Wright Brothers invent the airplane
    When the Wright brothers created the first airplane in North Carolina
  • World War I starts

    World War I starts
    The date World War 1, or the seven year war started.
  • World War 1 ends

    World War 1 ends
    7 years after the beginning of the war it ends.
  • 18th Amdendment

    18th Amdendment
    When the senate passed the bill to ban alcohol.
  • 19th Amendment

    19th Amendment
    When the senate passed the bill for women to vote.
  • Great Depression begins

    Great Depression begins
    When the stock market in the US crashed and ruined the economy.
  • The Great Depression ends

    The Great Depression ends
    When the economy went back to normal.
  • Pearl Harbor Bombings

    Pearl Harbor Bombings
    When the Japanese empire bombed the US naval base Pearl harbour in Hawaii.
  • D-Day

    When Canada, America, Britain, and other allied nations stormed the beaches of Normandy to take back France from the Nazi's.
  • the USA bombs hiroshima

    the USA bombs hiroshima
    To end the 2nd world war, America held no punches and dropped an atomic bomb for the first time on Japan.
  • The USA bombs nagasaki

    The USA bombs nagasaki
    A few days after Hiroshima, the United States bombed nagasaki
  • I have a dream speach

    I have a dream speach
    When Martin Luther King Jr, Made a speech for civil rights.
  • Shamrock shakes first introduced

    Shamrock shakes first introduced
    The date when McDonalds created the Shamrock shake.
  • McRib first realese

    McRib first realese
    When McDonalds created the BBQ Sandwich.
  • Fortnite Launches

    Fortnite Launches
    When Epic Games Created Fortnite.
  • Carson and Breyde steal tires from the woods

    Carson and Breyde steal tires from the woods
    The date when Breyde Bemis and Carson Lewis, found and took tires from the woods.