Titanic Timeline

  • Looking for a place to bulid the Titanic

    Looking for a place to bulid the Titanic
    Looking for a location to build the Titanic ship, the Titanic was an engineering feat. The construction of the Titanic started on March 31, 1909.
  • When the Titanic was build

    When the Titanic was build
    Harland and Wolff built the Titanic, they were the shipbuilders for White Star Line 1912 .
  • Where it was build

    Where it was build
    They build the Titanic in Belfast, North Ireland.
  • Leaving Belfast

    Leaving Belfast
    On April, 1912, the Titanic leaves Belfast, where the Titanic was built, to go to Southampton, it left at 8:00 pm:.
  • How long it took

    How long it took
    They took over three years to build, the fit out for the RMS Titanic, The ship took about three hours to sink under the North Atlantic Ocean on April 14-15, 1912.
  • Started sinking

    Started sinking
    On The Titanic’s bow started to sink when the last lifeboats were lowered into the ocean.about 1,500 were still in the Titanic when the boat was sinking further into the ocean. than the Titanic sank for life on April 15th, 1912, 1:15 am:
  • People saved and killed

    People saved and killed
    April 15th, 1912, 2:20 am: Titanic sinks, and that same day, but different time at 4:10 am: the Carpathia gets to the place the titanic sank they only save 705 people and 1,523 women and children were killed.
  • Survived

    At 9:00 pm: on April 18th, 1912, the Carpathia arrives to New York with all the people that survived.
  • Bodies found

    Bodies found
    On April 26th through May 3rd, 1912: after a lot of days of searching, the Mackay-Bennett got a total of 306 bodies,and 116 were lost and buried under the sea and of those numbers only 56 of them were identified