TimeToast Special Education Timeline

  • The first WheelChair

    Created by and for a paraplegic
  • American School for Deaf

    First school in the Western hemisphere for students with disabilities.
  • Law mandating equal chance of education for ALL children

    Rhode Island passed a law requiring every child to be educated and for the government to provide and fund schools for every child's access.
  • College for People who are disabled.

    "Columbia Institution for the Deaf and Dumb and Blind was allowed to grant college degrees by the U.S. Congress. It was the first college in the world established for people with disabilities"(university of North Carolina).
  • The creation of the autism spectrum

    Technically speaking the spectrum already existed, but now it has a name and is beginning to be researched and further understood. German Psychologist; Hans Asperger.
  • My grandparents migrate

    My grandparents move from Germany to Nebraska, ca to create a better life for their family. Because of this I am here today with the beautiful life I have. I am very grateful to them for their bravery.
  • Beattie v. Board of Education (Wisconsin)

    Wisconsin Supreme Court ruled that a student with disabilities can be prohibited or excluded from schools for being a distraction.
  • The first advocacy group

    Teacher and staff at Columbia College create the first advocacy group for children with special needs to have free and appropriate education.
  • Handicapped Parking

    Delaware is the first to create a code that public buildings have to have reserved parking for the handicapped(handicappable)
  • PARC

    Pennsylvania Association for Retarded citizens argued for school districts to be "mandated to offer appropriate education to all student regardless of disabilities"(Pratt).
  • The Education for All Handicapped Children

    Each state became liable and responsible for providing equal opportunities of education for all handicapped children
  • 504 Sit-In at Federal Buildings

    A large group of peaceful protesters occupied federal building demanding and pushing to speed up the already delayed regulations providing more equality and rights for people with disabilities.
  • Building Codes

    Accessibility regulations were now required by building codes. California started this in 1968
  • WillowBrook Institution

    A documentary brought to light the inhumane commodities at a large institution for people with physical and mental disabilities. Willowbrook was officially shut down bringing awareness and an increase in rights for people with disabilities.
  • Americans With Disabilities Act

    George W. Bush pushed forward the act saying that no one could discriminate against anyone with a disability in school, work, or public everyday society.
  • Sarah K. was born!

    Not really that significant, but I am supposed to include 5 personal events into the timeline.
  • Classmate Passed away due to disability

    In 7th grade a classmate who we were with since kindergarten, died from complications from a brain tumor that impaired his ability to learn, communicate properly, but I remember playing soccer with him during recess and him sharing his snacks with me. When he passed away it was a tough blow to the entire district. At our high school graduation we had an empty chair with his diploma and picture on it.
  • New Americans with Disabilities Act

    The new version updated and expanded on protocols and necessities for people with disabilities.
  • Babysitter for child with autism

    I babysat this 7 year old boy who had autism and learned his routine, how he communicated, how I could communicate with him. I got really good at understanding his needs
  • Decided to be a Teacher!

    On this day I texted my mom telling her that I wanted to become a teacher.
  • Fair Labor Standards Act

    The Act required equal pay for all employees, especially those with disabilities.
  • Graduated High School

    Graduating high school will always be a traditional success for everyone. It is a proud moment.
  • Earned my bachelors in English

    I am not sure how many times I said I was going to drop out, and after personal events causing me to postpone my education, I wasn't sure that I would ever graduate. So the day I graduated college will forever be a special one to me!
  • Taught my first class

    During Covid -19 era, I was given the responsibility of teaching two history classes online with 7th and 8th graders. I had no idea how to teach history and I was not familiar with working with junior high students. But I it was a crazy and exciting time and I loved every minute of it.
  • I Visit Ireland

    I take a trip to Ireland to explore my culture and to explore another part of our magnificent world