Filecrowned portcullis

Timeline to the Limitation on England's Monarchy

By Excited
  • Jun 15, 1215

    Magna Carta

    Magna Carta
    The monarchy began to under the influence of the constitution law after signed Magna Carta, and began to lose power.
  • James begins confirme the episcopal nature of the Anglican church and it drove some Puritans out of the country

    James begins confirme the episcopal nature of the Anglican church and it drove some Puritans out of the country
    Under James I, separatists who had never accepted King James's settlement of religious affairs began migrating to New England colonies, from the Netherlands as well as England. It increase the tension between religions in Britain and opposition towards monarchy.
  • English Civil War

    English Civil War
    As Loyalists lose the war against Commonwealth Force, Charles I was replaced and lost his power.
  • Period of Commonwealth England

    Period of Commonwealth England
    At this period the King has almost entirely lost its power.
  • The Restoration 1660

    The Restoration 1660
    The monarchy was restored under King Charles II of England, Scotland and Ireland. But the monarchy begins to be limited under the Parliament. Monarchy further lost its power.
  • The Glorious Revolution

    The Glorious Revolution
    The King James II was over thrown by Parliament forces and Dutch forces. William III struggled for enhancing his power in England.
  • Reform Act 1832

    Reform Act 1832
    This Act reform the election system in England, made the influence of the Royal even smaller.