Apr 11, 1347
The Bubonic Plauge
The Bubonic Plauge spreads throughout Europe killing 1.5 out of 4 million people. -
Jul 18, 1428
Siege of Orleans
Frnace's Joan of Arc claims his first victory of the Hundred Years of War when he claims New Orleans. This was a big turning point in the Hundred Years of War. -
Mar 30, 1473
Heliocentric Theory
Nicholas Copencius writes a heliocentric theory. It suggests that the Earth actually revolves around the Sun along with every other planet in the Universe. -
Aug 3, 1517
95 Theses
German Monk Martin Luther nails his 95 complaints of the Catholic Church and nails them to the Church Doors. This is because the church was doing many things such as lying to the people who came to the Church and making people believe that they had to pay into heaven, which Luther knew was not right. -
Oct 25, 1531
Henry VIII, Head of the Church
King Henry VIII is made the head of the English and Wales Catholic Churches, which was a high position to be in, as well as being the King. -
Nov 5, 1535
John Fisher and Thomas Moore
John Fisher and Thomas Moore are executed under the Kings authority. -
Jan 12, 1545
Catholic Reformation
This was the counter reformation of the Protestant reformation. This was because the Catholic church trying to keep the people of Rome from leaving the Church and becoming protestant against the Church. -
May 14, 1545
The Council of Trent
This was a group of Churchmen in the Catholic Church. They discussed how they needed to change the ways of the church and how to keep people from converting to Protestant and leaving the Church. -
Apr 11, 1547
Henry VIII Dies
King Henry VIII dies of extreme obesity and numberous other illnesses that he had. -
Sep 10, 1572
Siant Bartholomews Massacre
A group of the Roman Catholic mob assasinate 5,000 - 30,000 protestant people in the name of the Catholic Church. This was because the Catholic people and the Church did not want the number of protestant people growing and they wanted to scare people to prevent them from converting. -
The Telescope
Astronomer Galileo invents the telescope to investage closer into space and to broaden Copenicus' heliocentric theory. -
Galileo Vs. The Church
Galileo is forced to recant his theories about space and the planets by the Church. This is because the Church believed that Earth was in the center of the entire universe, so they didn't Galileo spreading his theories about Earth revolving around the Sun and of the other planets in space. -
Tennis Court Oath
The Third Estate is locked out of their meeting room, so they storm to the palace indoor tennis court and swear to never leave until a fair french constitution was written. -
The Great Fear
This is when Feudalism was abolished after the peasants on France revolted against the crown. -
The Execution of Louis XVI
The French King Louis XVI is sent to the guillotine by the French people, starting the trend of execution by the guillotine.