Timeline Robotics

  • Ancient Times to 19th Century: Early Concepts

    Ancient Times to 19th Century: Early Concepts
    Jacques de Vaucanson builds the first known automaton, a mechanical duck that could simulate eating, drinking, and defecating.
  • 20th Century: Birth of Modern Robotics

    20th Century: Birth of Modern Robotics
    Karel Čapek introduces the word "robot" in his play R.U.R. (Rossum's Universal Robots).
  • 20th Century: Birth of Modern Robotics

    20th Century: Birth of Modern Robotics
    Isaac Asimov publishes Runaround, introducing the Three Laws of Robotics.
  • 20th Century: Birth of Modern Robotics

    20th Century: Birth of Modern Robotics
    George Devol files the patent for the first programmable robot.
  • 20th Century: Birth of Modern Robotics

    20th Century: Birth of Modern Robotics
    The Unimate, the first industrial robot, begins working at General Motors.
  • 20th Century: Birth of Modern Robotics

    20th Century: Birth of Modern Robotics
    Stanford University develops Shakey, the first mobile robot controlled by artificial intelligence.
  • 1970s–1990s: Expansion of Robotics

    1970s–1990s: Expansion of Robotics
    Honda begins its humanoid robot project, which eventually leads to ASIMO.
  • 1970s–1990s: Expansion of Robotics

    1970s–1990s: Expansion of Robotics
    NASA's Mars Pathfinder deploys the first robotic rover on Mars, Sojourner.
  • 21st Century: AI and Autonomous Robotics

    21st Century: AI and Autonomous Robotics
    DARPA Grand Challenge launches, promoting the development of autonomous vehicles.
  • 21st Century: AI and Autonomous Robotics

    21st Century: AI and Autonomous Robotics
    2014: Amazon begins using robotic systems to automate warehouse operations.