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Historical moments of robotics

  • 2000 BCE

    Late 20th/early 21st century

    Late 20th/early 21st century
    ASIMO (2000):
    Created by Honda, ASIMO is one of the most advanced humanoid robots in history, capable of walking, running, and performing a variety of complex tasks.
  • 1920 BCE

    20th Century

    20th Century
    Karel Čapek (1920):
    The Czech writer popularized the term "robot" in his play R.U.R. (Rossum's Universal Robots), which imagined a future in which robots worked for humans.
  • 1830 BCE

    Charles Babbage and Ada Lovelace (1830s)

    Charles Babbage and Ada Lovelace (1830s)
    Lovelace, the first programmer, devised algorithms for Babbage's Analytical Engine, laying the groundwork for modern computing.
  • 1801 BCE

    19th Century

    19th Century
    The Jacquard Loom (1801):
    Although not a robot, this loom used punched cards to control textile patterns, a technology that would inspire the development of the first programmable computers.
  • 1738 BCE

    18th Century

    18th Century
    Jacques de Vaucanson (1738):
    Created a mechanical duck that simulated eating, digesting, and excreting, a feat of automation and an attempt to replicate biological functions with mechanisms.
  • 1495

    15th century

    15th century
    Leonardo da Vinci (1495)
    He designed the first known humanoid automaton, a mechanical knight capable of moving arms, neck and jaw, based on mechanical principles.