1200px queen elizabeth ii of new zealand

Timeline queen Elizabeth II

  • Birth

    She born in London on 21th april 1926
  • Baptism

    She was baptised on 29 may 1926
  • Marriage

    Elizabeth met her husband in 1934
  • Marriage

    Elizabeth and Philip were married on 20 november 1947
  • Coronation

    Elizabeth was coronated on 6 february 1953
  • Silver Jubilee

    In 1977, Elizabeth marked the silver Jubilee of her accession.
  • Assassination atempt

    During the 1981, six shoots were fired at the Queen.
  • Golden jubilee

    In 2002, Elizabeth marked her Golden jubilee.
  • Diamond jubilee

    The Queen´s 2012 Diamond jubilee marked 60 years on the throne.
  • Sapphire jubilee

    In 2017, the Queen celebrated the Sapphire jubilee.