Civil War : The Start
The confederate soilders open fire on the union. This is where the civil war all started. -
Civil War : Emancipation Proclimation
Lincoln issued the proclimation. It said That all persons held as slaves within the rebellious states are and shall be free. -
Civil War: Surrendering
Lee surrendered at Appomattox. The battle of gettysburg was a turning point of war. -
Reconstruction : The death
Abraham Linoln got assassinated . right after the his death, ANdrew jophnson became president -
Reconstruction : Reconstruction Act
It divided the south into military occupation zones. Also had to get rid of the black codes and ratify the 14th amendment. -
Reconstruction : 14th Amendment
It was an amendment of reconstruction. It addressed citizenship rights and equal protection of the laws. -
Gilded Age : Ulysses S. Grant
Republican Ulysses S. Grant defeats Democrat Horatio Seymour and is elected president of the United States. He receives 214 of 294 votes. -
Industrialization : Henry Flagler
FLagler was a huge part of oil industry along with railroad. Rockefeller, Andrews and Flagler partnership was organized as a joint-stock corporation named Standard Oil. -
Industrialization : Alexander Graham Bell
Alexander created the telephone. Which she ended up making a patent for it on this day -
Industrialization : Thomas Edison
popularly given for Edison's completion of the model for the first phonograph. It gave an opening to many more inventions -
Gidled Age : Gospel Of Wealth
Andrew Carnegie creathes the gospel of wealth. it outlines the social responsibilities and social benefits of vast personal wealth. -
Gilded Age : Steel strike
head man of the Board of Carnegie Steel and plant manager at Carnegie's Homestead steel plant, shuts down the factory and locks out its employees. The Association of Steel and Iron Workers break down. -
Civil Rights Movemoent : PLessy Vs. Ferguson
Major court case at this time. It set up seperate but equal ideas for schools -
Imperialism : The War
The United States declared war on Spain following the sinking of the Battleship Maine in Havana harbor The war ended the treaty of paris. -
Imperialism : U.S Annexed Hawaii
It extended U.S. territory into the Pacific. It Rresulted from economic integration and the rise of the United States as a Pacific power. -
Imperialism : Treaty Of Pourtsmouth
Theodore helped Japan and Russia negotiate the treaty. The treaty ended the russian japenese war. -
WWI : Archdukes Death
Archduke Franz Ferdinand, heir to Austria-Hungary's throne, and his wife are assassinated by Serbians. leads to Austria-Hungary declaring war on Serbia. -
WWI : German U-Boat
Germanys U-Boat (Submarine) sinks Lusitania ship. It enraged Americans and hastened the United States' entrance into World War I. -
Roaring 20's : Eighteenth Amendment
This amendment was passed by congress. It prohibited the sale of alcohol anywhere in the United States. -
WWI : Treaty Of Versailles
It was a peace settlement between Germany and the Allied Powers. It officially ended WWI. -
Roaring 20's : Palmer Raids
A launching period of intense government persecution. It was a response to the postwar Red Scare sweeping the nation. -
Roaring 20's : Seattle Strike
It set certain immigration restrictions. It Targeted "undesirable" immigrants from Southern and Eastern Europe. -
WWII : The Holocaust
A persecution and murder of about six million Jews by the Nazi regime. They were put in concentration camps and was an example of genocide -
Great Depression : Longshoremen Strike
Was conducted with significant aid from the Communist Party, Paralyzes shipping and trade in California, Oregon, and Washington. -
Great Depression : Roosevelt Reelected
He became elected to a second term as president. Wins every state but Maine and Vermont. -
Great Depression : Mobilization
Mobilization Lifts economy, The Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor draws United States into World War II. Mobilization for war finally lifts the American economy -
WWII : D-Day
General Dwight Eisenhower led U.S. and Allied troops in an invasion of Normandy, France. Faught into Germany while Russian troops fought from the east. -
WWII : Hiroshima
The Enola Gay dropped an atomic bomb. Killed about 78,000 people and injured about 100,000 more -
Cold War : Creation Of Iron Curtain
Decsribed the seperation of Warsaw Pact countries from NATO countries. Was a physical and an ideological division . -
Cold War : Marshall Plan
A program that aided Europe. The goal was to rebuild a war-devastated region, remove trade barriers, and modernize industry. -
Cold War : Berlin Airlift
Soviets placed a blockade on the allied sector of Berlin. The allied replied by shiping a lot of goods to them -
Vietnamization War : Ngo Dinh Diem Election
Ngo Dinh Diem was named president. South Vietnam declares itself the Republic of Vietnam. Later on he is killed for being such a bad leader. -
Civil Rights Movement : Civil Rights Act
It banned segreagtion in public accomodations. It also banned descrimination in the workplace on account of race, sex, color and more. -
Civil Rights Movement : Voting Rights Act
It took away discrimination in voting from race or language minorities. It also gave the federal government power to oversee voter registrations. -
Vietnam War : Tet offensive
It was a three-day cease of fire. Killed nearly 90,000 people. -
Vietnam War : Vietnamization
It was a policy during Vietnam War giving the South Vietnamese government responsibility for carrying on the war. 543,000 troops peak in Vietnam