Timeline Project: Unit 3 1450 CE to 1750CE

  • Period: Mar 4, 1394 to Nov 13, 1460

    Henry the Navigator

    Henry the Navigator was an infante (junior prince) of the Kingdom of Portugal and an important figure in the early days of the Portuguese Empire. He was responsible for the early development of European exploration and maritime trade with other continents.
  • Period: Oct 31, 1451 to May 20, 1506

    Christopher Columbus

    Christopher Columbus was an explorer, colonizer, and navigator, born in the Republic of Genoa, in northwestern Italy. Under the auspices of the Catholic Monarchs of Spain, he completed four voyages across the Atlantic Ocean that led to general European awareness of the American continents in the Western Hemisphere.
  • Period: Jan 1, 1460 to Dec 24, 1524

    Vasco da Gama

    Vasco da Gama, 1st Count of Vidigueira was a Portuguese explorer, one of the most successful in the Age of Discovery and the commander of the first ships to sail directly from Europe to India. For a short time in 1524 he was Governor of Portuguese India under the title of Viceroy.
  • Period: Jan 1, 1471 to Jun 26, 1541

    Francisco Pizarro

    Francisco Pizarro González, Marquess was a Spanish conquistador, conqueror of the Incan Empire, and founder of Lima, the modern-day capital of the Republic of Peru.
  • Period: May 2, 1478 to

    Scientific Revolution

    A period of new ideas, and modern science. It began in Europe towards the end of the Renaissance.
  • Period: Jan 1, 1480 to Apr 27, 1521

    Ferdinand Magellan

    Ferdinand Magellan was a Portuguese explorer. He was born in Sabrosa, in northern Portugal, and served King Charles I of Spain in search of a westward route to the "Spice Islands" (modern Maluku Islands in Indonesia).
  • Period: May 2, 1483 to May 2, 1531


    He was a military explorer from Asia. He laid the bases for the Mughl Empire.
  • Period: Jan 1, 1485 to Dec 2, 1547

    Hernan Cortes

    Hernán Cortés de Monroy y Pizarro, 1st Marquis of the Valley of Oaxaca was a Spanish conquistador who led an expedition that caused the fall of the Aztec Empire and brought large portions of mainland Mexico under the rule of the King of Castile in the early 16th century. Cortés was part of the generation of Spanish colonizers that began the first phase of the Spanish colonization of the Americas.
  • Period: May 2, 1500 to

    Columbian Exchange

    A trade of slaves, culture, diseases, and ideas between the Western and Eastern Hemishpheres.
  • Period: May 2, 1500 to

    Safavid Empire

    One of the most significant ruling Empires of Iran. It made Shia' Islam as the official religion of their country which was a huge turning point in muslim history.
  • Period: May 2, 1500 to

    Atlantic Triangular Slave Trade

    Fish and lumber from New England to West Indies. West Indies to West Africa they took rum, and guns which they traded for slaves.
  • Period: May 2, 1517 to

    Protestant Reformation

    The Protestant Reformation was a European Christian reform movement that broke away from the Catholic church and established Protestantism as a branch of Christianity.
  • Period: May 2, 1526 to

    Mughal Empire

    The Mughal Empire was located in South Asia. It was ruled a large portion of Indian subcontinent.
  • Period: May 2, 1552 to

    Matteo Ricci

    In South Asia, Ruled a large portion of Indian subcontinent.
  • Period: May 2, 1564 to


    An Italian man; He played a major role in the scientific revolution. He was called the father of modern science.
  • Period: to

    Tokuga Shogunate

    Japanese feudal regime. Introduced Neo-Confucianism.
  • Creation of the First Colony in the New World

    The first PERMANENT colony in the New World was Jamestown, which was located in Virginia and was colonized by the British.
  • Period: to

    The Thirty Years War

    A huge war throughout central Europe. House of Austria (the habsburg) vs. Danish, Dutch, France, and Sweden. It was in Germany. It was also a German Civil War for people for or against the habsburg. It was also a religious war among Catholics, Lutherans, and Calvinists.
  • Period: to

    Qing Dynasty

    The last ruling Dyansty of China. After it ended came the republic of China.
  • Period: to

    Peter the Great

    He ruled the Russian Empire. He had a modernization and expansion policy that made Russia into the Russian Empire.
  • Period: to

    Catherine the Great

    Catherine the Great was the empress of Russia because of her husband's assasination until her death.
  • Period: to


    It was an era which rejected traditional views and was for new ideas and science. It was believed to have ended with the French revoloution.
  • Period: to

    French and Indian War

    A series of wars between the British and French. It originated in Europe and spread to North America. The cause was due to the British wanting to take over French territory in North America and the fur trade. At the end the peace treaty of 1763 gave the British most of the Franch land in North America.