9000 BCE
Neolithic Era
This is when Farming and new tools were invented and were humans switched from hunting and gathering to agriculture. -
4000 BCE
Ancient Sumer
Ancient Sumer was the first ever civilization to be created and the beginning of civilizations. -
1780 BCE
First ever laws were created
The Code of Hammurabi were the first ever laws made created by the Babylonian king Hammurabi this is important for these laws become the beginning of all laws of new and old to have been created over time. -
1400 BCE
The First ever alphabet made
The Phoenicians created the first ever (what we call today) alphabet which helped make many more and more different alphabets over each era. -
Jan 18, 1095
Crusades Begin
The Church caused a war to convert more land to the Latin Christian ways. -
Jun 15, 1215
Magna Carta
Was Created and signed by King John by the people of the land where everybody (even the king) was subjected to laws of the land. -
Jan 12, 1300
The Renaissance Begins
The Renaissance begins around the 1300's in the city of Florence, Italy were people of many countries traveled, traded, and gave each other information to were new technology and views of things was created. This affected us now in a very important way for we enhanced our technology and arts and views to a whole new level. -
Jan 13, 1346
The Black Death
All through Europe the Black Death hits and becomes one of the most devastating pandemics known to man. During this time many avoided each other and from the amount of death the questioning and distrust of the church started to grow. -
Oct 13, 1350
Renaissance begins and everyone begins trading knowledge. -
Jun 20, 1368
Ming Dynasty
Was the last of the Great dynasties that finished the Great Wall, Built the forbidden city (the emperors palace), and came into power by overthrowing the rule of the Mongols (Yuan Dynasty). -
Jan 13, 1440
Printing Press Was Created
Around the 1400's the Printings Press was created by Johannes Gutenberg a German Publisher. This helped increase the process of making books at a faster rate so more books were created this will come in affect later with the 95 thesis. -
Jan 18, 1480
Leonardo begins anatomy
Leonardo began doing dissection of dead corpses and drew sketches of them learning more and more about the body. This helped later on in generations of human kind for Leonardo made the most accurate sketches of the human body and the way it works inside and out. -
May 17, 1492
America is Discovered
Columbus accidentally discovers America while on an expedition to find a different route to India. -
Jun 24, 1492
The Colombian Exchange
Right after the voyage of 1492 where Columbus found America the new and old world began trading each other things like crops, diseases, and animals. -
Jan 13, 1517
Martin Luther and the 95 theses
Martin Luther was a humanist who questioned the church and the things the church did. this caused him to create the 95 thesis which challenged the teachings of the church and its selling of indulgences. -
Ming Dynasties End/ Qing Dynasties begining
Ming Dynasties reign ends after the emperor ends his life after an army of peasants attack. -
Industrial Revolution
Began in Britain people started making technology that enhanced working with less manpower that manufactured and did things faster. -
World War 1 Begins
After the death of Archduke Franz Ferdinand Germany, Austria-Hungary and Italy fought against France, Britain, and Russia. -
Treaty of Versailles is created
One of the Peace treaties that helped end World War 1 that and issues between the allies and Germany -
World War 2 Begins
WW2 Begins and the battle between France, Germany, Britain, Russia, Spain, and Austria Hungary. -
Manhattan Project begins
Begins the project of creating nuclear weapons secretly. -
Nuclear age begins
Began when the Manhattan project created launched its first test nuke in mexico. -
2nd Nuclear Bomb Hits Nagasaki
Three days after the first ever nuclear bomb was dropped another one is dropped on Nagasaki killing estimated 40,000 people. -
2nd Nuclear Bomb Hits Nagasaki
Three days after the first ever nuclear bomb was dropped another one is dropped on Nagasaki killing estimated 40,000 people. -
Nuclear Bomb hits Hiroshima
A B-29 bomber dropped the first ever deployed nuclear bomb on Hiroshima immediately killing 80,000 people and more died of radiation. -
Cold War Begins
Conflict begins between Soviet Union, France, United States, and Britain over how to govern occupied Germany -
NPT is Created
after the bombings that happened in Japan this treaty was signed to stop the act of using nuclear warfare.