Timeline Project

By ahummel
  • First Two Years: Body and Mind

    First Two Years: Body and Mind
    Sensorimotor stage: basic motor skills are develop over the first 2 years of life. Examples: standing, crawling, sitting up without support
    In my sensorimotor stage, I was sitting up and crawling at 9 months. I wasn’t walking until 14 months, which isn’t too
    late but it worried my parents a lot that I wasn’t walking at 12 months.
  • First Two Years: The Social World

    First Two Years: The Social World
    Temperament: differences between people's emotions, activity and self-regulation, measured by responses to one's environment
    My temperament as an infant and toddler was very calm and mellow. I was always sitting or quietly playing or drawing by myself. And now, I still have the same very chill temperament.
  • Early Childhood Body & Mind

    Early Childhood Body & Mind
    Initiative vs. Guilt: stage where children assert themselves more frequently through directing play and other social interaction.
    During my initiative vs. guilt stage, I was always the leader and first one to initiate the games. I would assign roles to my friends whenever it was playtime. One of my favorite games was “resturant” so I would assign myself as the waitress, and assign my other friends to be the customers and cooks.
  • Early Childhood: The Social World

    Early Childhood: The Social World
    Sociodramatic play: allows children to act out various roles and themes in stories they create
    Sociodramatic play had a huge role in my development and lead me to the the very creative person that I am today. When I was around 4 I loved to play dress-up and act out different roles and characters, such as a princess or an old lady.
  • Middle Childhood: Body and Mind

    Middle Childhood: Body and Mind
    Physical activity: benefits can last a lifetime, advances physical, emotional, and mental health
    From ages 7 to 11, I was involved in so many different types of sports and physical activities. I danced, did gymnastics, tennis, soccer, swim, and volleyball. After school I was always riding my bike around my neighborhood. This photo is me dressed up for a dance I was performing at my school talent show.
  • Middle Childhood: The Social world

    Middle Childhood: The Social world
    Bullying: repeated, systematic effort to inflict hard on a weaker person. Types of bullying includes physicla, verbal, relational, and cyberbullying.
    Bullying is something I had experienced throughout my life, beginning in kindergarden and ending in 8th grade. The bullying I had experienced made me to be more shy and introverted. I was bullied so bad in middle school that it caused me to be very depressed and struggle with self-esteem.
  • Adolescence: Body and Mind

    Adolescence: Body and Mind
    Body image: Person's idea of how his or her body looks. Body dissatisfaction can lead to unhealthy dieting and eating disorders
    During my adolescent years, body image was one of the top things I struggled with. I was naturally very skinny even though puberty had arrived early for me. I was always jealous of the way the other older girls’ bodies looked. I wanted my body to look and be a certain way but I didn’t understand that my body was going to continue to grow and change for many more years.
  • Adolescence: The Social World

    Adolescence: The Social World
    Identity vs. Role confusion: Erikson's 5th stage of development, in which the person tries to figure out 'Who am I?" but is confused as to which roles to adapt
    after I watched a movie, I needed to be exactly like the main character. After watching soul surfer, I had to dress and act just like Bethany Hamilton. This is because I had not yet discovered who I truly was, so I would try to adopt characteristics and personalities of other people.