Timeline of William Golding

  • William Gloding is born

    William Gloding is born
    William Gerald Golding was born in Cornwall, England, in 1911.
  • William began college

    William began college
    Golding began attending Brasenose College at Oxford.
  • William finish college

    William finish college
    William golding graduated from Oxford with a Bachelor of Arts in English and a diploma in education.
  • Williams woks

    Williams woks
    Golding worked as a writer, actor, and producer with a small theater in an unfashionable part of London
  • New job of William

    New job of William
    Golding began teaching English and philosophy in Salisbury at Bishop Wordsworth's School.
  • Join the British Navy.

    Join the British Navy.
    William Golding join the Royal Navy for WWII
  • William publish his 1st novel.

    William publish his 1st novel.
    The 1st novel that William Golding publish was " Lord of the flies".
  • Golding's 2nd novel

    Golding's 2nd novel
    The 2nd novel that William Golding wrote was "The Inheritors"
  • Two books in one year.

    Two books in one year.
    William Golding publish two books in one year the first one was "Envoy Extraordinary" and the second one was "Pincher Martin"
  • End of teaching

    End of teaching
    William ends teaching when he left Bishop Wordsworth's School to write full time.
  • William Golding die.

    William Golding die.