Timeline of US history for Geo

  • Plymoth Rock

    Plymoth Rock
    The pilgrams first landed in cape cod first and sent out a search party. They laned a little later in plymoth. The mayflower carried some imortant people including a war general for the new world.
  • Industrial Revolution

    Industrial Revolution
    This was a time in american history when we came out with new equipment that helped speed up the process of manufacturing goods for the american people. Two examples are the steam engine whcih helped transport goods. The cotten Gin also was a great invention that helped down in the south. It helped speed up the process of sorting seeds and cotten.
  • Revolutionary War

    Revolutionary War
    This is the war between America and Great Britian. The American were fighting for their independence from Great Britian. This is also when Paul Reveree went on his famous run
  • Decleration of Independence

    Decleration of Independence
    The decleration was a document signed by 53 delagates. It stated that they Americans wanted to be free of British leaders and laws.
  • Louisiana Purchase

    Louisiana Purchase
    Merica purchased a large area of land from the French. This was signed in a treaty. America paid $15,000,000
  • Lwis and Clark

    Lwis and Clark
    Lewis and clark along with a few other men set off into the new terretory they purchased from france. They are going to find a route to the pacific and map what they find. They also have a log in which they put down what new plants or animals they come across.
  • Civil War

    Civil War
    This was a battle between the confederates the south and the union the north. The battle was caused by many factors one being slavery. The tensions kept growing until POP. The war was started it lasted four years
  • titanic

    The titancic was a passenger ship that set sail for america from britian. It sunk after it hit an iceberg. Many people died and some were saved in lifeboats
  • World War one

    World War one
    This war's boiling point was when a man from the black hand assisanated the archduke of Austria. It was between Germany, Austria-Hungary, Ottoman Empire and Bulgaria. The allies were America, Great Britian, France, and Russia.
  • Great Depression

    Great Depression
    This was a time in amarican history when the stock market crashed and wall street panicked. MIlions of investors were lost due to the depression
  • Dust Bowl

    Dust Bowl
    This was when the midwest region of America was extremely dry. The winds got really fast and kicked all the dust up. Many people lost their farms and crops. When they lost their crops they lost a lot of their money.
  • World war two

    World war two
    This was a war between usa, canada, france, russia, and nazi and Japan. The US got involved on december 7 1941 when the Japs bombed pearl harbor
  • Cold War

    Cold War
    This was a war between the U.S and Russia. It was a stand off between the two countries becasue both had nuclear weapons. They had seen what had happened at Japan and were afraid of what might happen
  • 9/11

    This is a day in american history when two terrorists bombed the two twin towers in New York. They also hit the pentagon and one landed in a field
  • Osama Bin Ladens death

    Osama Bin Ladens death
    23 american raided Bin Laden's compound at about 1am. They were flying in two black hawk helicopters. One of the helicopters crashed but nobody was hurt. The raid lasted about 40 mins bin ladnen and one of his sons were killed